That the Community and Operations Services Committee recommend to City Council:
Whereas at the February 13, 2023 meeting of the Community and Operations Services Committee, Correspondence CO-23-06, dated January 17, 2023, from various residents (3) requesting an off leash park at Somerset Park was referred to staff for a report; and,
Whereas the correspondence requests that Somerset Park be made off leash before 10:00 or 11:00 a.m.; and,
Whereas it is important that dog owners keep their dogs on leash so that parks and public spaces remain safe and enjoyable for everyone; and,
Whereas Municipal Law Enforcement Services has indicated that this park does have several historical complaints or issues related to off leash dogs; and,
Whereas dogs off leash outside of designated off leash areas are subject to enforcement under the Parks and Facilities By-law (By-law 83-2000) and the Responsible Pet Owners By-law (By-law 14-2010) due to the potential for conflict and safety concerns; and,
Whereas the desire for off leash areas need to be balanced with the safety and needs of other park users, park programming, environmental considerations, accessibility, and community support; and,
Whereas the City has developed “Guidelines for the Design and Placement of Off-Leash Areas” (“Guidelines”), appended as Attachment 1, which guides decision making process when considering suitability of off leash areas; and,
Whereas, Staff have reviewed the request from residents against the Guidelines and has identified the following concerns with designating Somerset Park for off leash use:
- lack of ability to control dogs running at large (no fencing) given the close proximity to a junior playground (ages 5-12), neighbouring properties, and walkways;
- the potential for conflict with other park users or adjacent property owners;
- the difficulty with enforcement and education especially where there is no clear fencing to delineate off leash use;
- the intended use of the park as passive recreational space that is inclusive to all users;
- the proximity of natural heritage features including woodlands and creeks which could be impacted by dogs running at large including the disturbance of wildlife, birds, vegetation, water quality and shoreline stability;
- the potential for increase in visitors using the park for off leash purposes beyond current park capacity; and,
Whereas, in addition to the concerns highlighted above, there has not been any consultation with the neighbourhood; and,
Whereas, Facility Management Services has confirmed that Somerset Park is not scheduled for Capital upgrade/redevelopment until the mid-2030’s;
Therefore be it resolved:
That Correspondence CO-23-06, dated January 17, 2023, be referred to Facility Management Services staff for consideration as part of any future redevelopment.