Corporate and Finance Services Committee


Council Chamber
  • Councillor Giberson
  • Councillor Marks
  • Councillor Marimpietri
  • Councillor McConkey
  • Councillor Neal
  • Mayor Carter
Also Present
  • Councillor Chapman
  • Councillor Lee
  • S. Sinnott, Commissioner, Corporate and Finance Services
  • L. Davis, Manager, Legislative Services/Deputy City Clerk
  • F. Bianchet, Council-Committee Coordinator
  • J. Lane, Council-Committee Coordinator
  • P. Aguilera, Council-Committee Coordinator
  • K. Christopher, Council-Committee Coordinator

Councillor Giberson called the meeting to order and stated that all members of the Committee were participating from the Chamber. Also present in the Chamber were Councillors Chapman, Lee and McConkey.

  • Moved byCouncillor Marks

    That Correspondence CF-23-65 submitted by Laura Vaillancourt, Ontario Philharmonic concerning Correspondence CF-23-67 be added to the Agenda for the Corporate and Finance Services Committee meeting of September 11, 2023 and referred to the respective item.

    Motion Carried

Peter Taylor, President, Friends of Second Marsh provided a presentation concerning the Official Launch the Friends of the Second Marsh  fundraising campaign, "Love the Marsh!".

Members of the Committee questioned Peter Taylor.

  • Moved byCouncillor Marks

    That the delegation of Laura Vaillancourt be heard. 

    Motion Carried

Laura Vaillancourt, Executive Director, Ontario Philharmonic and Sherry Bassin, Chair, Ontario Philharmonic addressed the Corporate and Finance Services Committee concerning a request for a Grant and/or External Agency Partner.

Members of the Committee questioned Laura Vaillancourt and Sherry Bassin.

  • Moved byCouncillor McConkey

    That the Corporate and Finance Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    That Correspondence CF-23-63 submitted by Natalie Robertson, Executive Director, Sunrise Seniors Place requesting financial assistance to erect a fence and gate in the rear yard of 74 John Street West be referred to the Mayor for consideration in his proposed 2024 budget.

    Affirmative (6)Mayor Carter, Councillor Giberson, Councillor Marimpietri, Councillor Marks, Councillor McConkey, and Councillor Neal
    Motion Carried (6 to 0)
  • Moved byCouncillor McConkey

    That the Corporate and Finance Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    That Correspondence CF-23-65 received from Denise Carpenter, Chair, Oshawa Power Board of Directors concerning an increase to the Directors' stipend for representation on additional companies be referred to staff for a report.

    Motion Carried
  • Moved byCouncillor Marks

    That the Corporate and Finance Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    That Correspondence CF-23-66 received from Denise Carpenter, Chair, Oshawa Power Board of Directors concerning an increase to the Board of Directors' stipend be referred to staff for a report. 

    Motion Carried
  • Moved byCouncillor Marimpietri

    That the Corporate and Finance Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    That Correspondence CF-23-67 received from Laura Vaillancourt, Ontario Philharmonic requesting a grant and/or External Agency partner be referred to Mayor for consideration in the proposed 2024 budget. 

    Motion Carried
  • Moved byCouncillor Marks

    That all items listed under the heading Public Consent Agenda for the September 11, 2023 Corporate and Finance Services Committee meeting be adopted as recommended, except for the following Reports CF-23-57, CF-23-58, CF-23-59 and CF-23-61.


    Motion Carried
  • That the Corporate and Finance Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    That pursuant to Report CF-23-56, dated September 6, 2023, Revolving Energy Fund Reserve Update:

    1. That the Revolving Energy Fund reserve be transformed to support the City’s Corporate Energy Management Plan; and,
    2. That additional sources of funding for the Revolving Energy Fund reserve be considered as part of the update to the Financial Strategy; and,
    3. That the 10% cap on expenditures from the Revolving Energy Fund be increased to  25% of the uncommitted reserve balance to a maximum of $500,000; and
    4. That the Revolving Energy Fund reserve be renamed the “Energy Management Fund”.
  • That the Corporate and Finance Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    Whereas at the November 21, 2022 Council Meeting, Council approved through Report CNCL-22-75,that the costs associated with removing the retired logo tagline on Welcome gateway signs “would be addressed in a budget submission for consideration in the proposed 2024 capital budget”; and,

    Whereas at the December 12, 2022 Council Meeting as per ED-22-219, Council approved the printing and installation of add-on signage “acknowledging the Centennial Year be added to the City’s Welcome Gateway signs located on city borders”; and,

    Whereas City Operations staff are scheduled to install the “Celebrating 100+ Years” add-on signage in Q4 2023 in advance of inclement weather so that the signage is on display for the beginning of the Centennial year; and,

    Whereas printing and installing all signage pieces on the City’s Welcome Gateway signs at the same time in 2023 will achieve efficiencies, including reduced costs and staff time; and,

    Whereas the additional funds required for the printing of the main portion of the Welcome to Oshawa signs without the “Prepare To Be Amazed” tagline can be funded through 2023 operating budget,

    Therefore be it resolved that the costs associated with the printing of the main portion of the Welcome signs, in an amount not to exceed $30,000 including HST, be funded from 2023 operating budget.

  • That the Corporate and Finance Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    1. Whereas at the March 6, 2023 Corporate and Finance Services Committee meeting Item CF-23-22 concerning Support for Bill 5 – Stopping Harassment and Abuse by Local Leaders Act was tabled with the following recommendation:

    "Whereas Bill 5 has had support of all parties at its first reading and whereas its second reading is scheduled for May, 2023;

    Now therefore Oshawa City Council express its support for Bill 5 - Stopping Harassment and Abuse by Local Leaders Act which would require the code of conduct for municipal Councillors and members of local boards to include a requirement to comply with workplace violence and harassment policies and permit municipalities and local boards to direct the Integrity Commissioner to apply to the court to vacate a member’s seat if the Commissioner’s inquiry determines that the member has contravened this requirement; and,

    That this resolution be circulated to the Honourable Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario; the Honourable Steve Clark, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing; the Honourable Jennifer French, Oshawa MPP; and the Honourable Todd McCarthy, Durham MPP"; and,

    Whereas at its meeting of April 17, 2023, the Corporate and Finance Services Committee lifted Item CF-23-22 concerning Support for Bill 5– Stopping Harassment and Abuse by Local Leaders Act from the table and subsequently referred the recommendation to staff for a report; and,

    Whereas on May 31, 2023, the Legislative Assembly of Ontario voted down the second reading of Bill 5 – Stopping Harassment and Abuse by Local Leaders Act, 2023;

    Therefore be it resolved that the item concerning Support for Bill 5 – Stopping Harassment and Abuse by Local Leaders Act be removed from the Corporate and Finance Services Committee Outstanding Items Status Report; and,

          2. That the remainder of the Corporate and Finance Services Committee’s Outstanding Items Status Report for the third quarter of 2023 be received for information.

  • That the Corporate and Finance Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    That Report CF-23-64, dated September 6, 2023 Summary of Contracts Awarded during the Period of June 1, 2023 to September 5, 2023 be received for information.

  • Moved byCouncillor McConkey

    That the Corporate and Finance Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    1. That project 17540011 – Harmony Creek Branch 3 Watercourse Improvement Study be cancelled and remaining funding returned to source; and,
    2. That Report CF-23-57 concerning the Capital Project Status Report as of July 31, 2023 dated September 6, 2023 be received for information.
    Motion Carried
  • Moved byCouncillor McConkey

    That the Corporate and Finance Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    That pursuant to Report CF-23-58, dated September 6, 2023, Financial Position as of June 30, 2023, be received for information.

    Motion Carried
  • Moved byCouncillor McConkey

    That the Corporate and Finance Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    That Report CF-23-59 concerning the corporate payments for the Months of April, May, June 2023 be received for information.

    Motion Carried
  • Moved byMayor Carter

    That the Corporate and Finance Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    Whereas, on May 29, 2023, Council approved the recommendations in Report ED-23-105 dated May 3, 2023, regarding the request from George Lysyk and Sons Limited to enter into a Capital Cost Sharing Agreement for the reconstruction of Dieppe Court; and,

    Whereas, Council approved funding to a limit in the amount of $240,000 from the Infrastructure Reserve for reimbursement to the Owner, subject to the execution of a Capital Cost Sharing Agreement; and,

    Whereas, site investigations produced a soils report that indicates a highly frost susceptible soil and recommends a more expensive pavement design and base material for the construction of Dieppe Court estimated to be an additional $59,071.42, repayment based on actuals; and,

    Whereas, in accordance with terms of a 1966 Purchase and Sale Agreement and a 1996 Ontario Municipal Board decision regarding Development Charges, the City is obligated to include “sewer, water, curbs and gutters, granular base, pavement sewer and water house connections and street lighting” resulting in the need for an additional $93,132.57 in funding; and,

    Whereas, the Capital Cost Sharing Agreement funding for Dieppe Court will require an additional $152,203.99 to cover the above-noted costs; and,

    Whereas, the City’s Purchasing-By-law-80-2020 and the Capital Cost Sharing Agreement cannot be executed prior to approval of funding; and,

    Whereas, Finance Services has confirmed that the additional cost of $152,203.99 can be funded from the Infrastructure Reserve;

    Therefore, be it resolved that pursuant to CF-23-61, additional funding of $152,203.99 (including H.S.T.) be approved from the Infrastructure Reserve for the Capital Cost Sharing Agreement funding for Dieppe Court.

    Affirmative (4)Mayor Carter, Councillor Giberson, Councillor Marimpietri, and Councillor Marks
    Negative (2)Councillor McConkey, and Councillor Neal
    Motion Carried (4 to 2)
  • Moved byCouncillor Marks

    That the meeting adjourn at 11:02 a.m.

    Motion Carried