Whereas, Project 19-73-0456, Northwood Roads Environmental Assessment was approved in the 2019 Capital Budget for $260,000; and,
Whereas, on October 25, 2021, City Council considered CNCL-21-93, Future East-West Type ‘C’ Arterial Road connection located west of Stevenson Road North, between Taunton Road West and Conlin Road West, and directed staff to not undertake an Environmental Assessment for the future east-west Type ‘C’ arterial road; and,
Whereas, Request For Proposal, C2021-121 Consulting Services for Stevenson Road North Environmental Assessment, was issued for Project 19-73-0456, with a reduced scope of work; and,
Whereas, in April 2022, Council considered FIN-22-31, Contract Awards, and awarded a contract to Gannett Fleming Canada ULC for R.F.P. C2021-121 in the amount of $256,073, excluding H.S.T. and the project budget was also increased by an additional $12,791, excluding H.S.T. for costs associated with undertaking public consultations; and,
Whereas, Project 19-73-0456, has a revised budget of $272,791, inclusive of H.S.T; and,
Whereas, Region of Durham staff have requested that an assessment of transportation, natural environment, and land-use and development constraints be undertaken for the future east-west midblock Type ‘C’ arterial road in order to justify its deletion from the Oshawa Official Plan; and,
Whereas, the additional assessments requested by Region of Durham staff is outside the scope of work for Project 19-73-0456; and,
Whereas, the further assessments will cost $33,300, inclusive of H.S.T.; and,
Whereas, the Cultural Heritage assessment identified six (6) properties along Stevenson Road North as having potential Built Heritage Resource and Cultural Heritage Landscape value, and each property would require Cultural Heritage Evaluation Reports with Heritage Impact Assessments; and,
Whereas, additional due diligence is required for Cultural Heritage Evaluation Reports which will cost $29,551, inclusive of H.S.T.; and,
Whereas, the Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment identified four (4) registered archaeological sites and parts of the area assessed exhibit archaeological potential and require Stage 2 Archaeological Assessments; and,
Whereas, additional due diligence is required for Stage 2 Archaeological Assessments which will cost $51,715, inclusive of H.S.T.; and,
Whereas, a Contamination Overview Study as part of the Environmental Assessment identified four (4) areas of high potential for contamination and seven (7) areas of moderate contamination within the study area; and,
Whereas, property specific Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessments and if necessary, Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessments are required to be completed for the areas of potentially contaminated areas; and,
Whereas, additional due diligence is required for Phase 1 and Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessments which will cost $67,722; and,
Whereas, there is $182,288, available in the Transportation Roads D.C. Reserve and the Growth Related Non-D.C. Reserve;
Therefore be it resolved that pursuant to Report CF-23-39, Council approve the additional funding of $182,288 for Project 19-73-0456, to be funded through a combination of funds from the Transportation Roads D.C. Reserve and the Growth Related Non-D.C. Reserve.