Economic and Development Services Committee (1:30 PM) and Planning Act Public (6:30 PM) Meeting Agenda

Council Chamber

Members of the Committee:

Councillor Marimpietri, Chair

Councillor Chapman, Vice-Chair

Councillor Giberson

Councillor Gray

Councillor Kerr

Mayor Carter, Ex Officio


The personal information contained in your correspondence to Oshawa City Council or its committees is collected under the Municipal Act, 2001.  Any personal information you choose to disclose in your correspondence will be used to receive your views on the relevant issue(s) to enable the City to make its decision on the matter.  This information will become part of the public record.

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For inquiries about this agenda please contact Legislative Services at 905-436-3311 or by email at

(As may be presented at the meeting)

(As may be presented by Council Members)

George Lysyk requesting to address the Economic and Development Services Committee concerning Item ED-23-167 regarding the results of Stage 2 of the Integrated Major Transit Station Area Study for Central Oshawa. 

Jacob Hamayda and Diana Cerovich requesting to address the Economic and Development Services Committee concerning the Biltimore Theatre's application for retroactive funding through the CIP program.

Robert Clapp requesting to address the Economic and Development Services Committee concerning the disposal of certain City-owned Lands at the Northwest corner of Delpark Homes Centre site at 1661 Harmony Rd North 

[At its meeting of June 26 2023, Oshawa City Council referred CNCL-23-84 concerning grass cutting on unassumed roads to the Economic and Development Services Committee] 

  • Recommendation

    Whereas the city picks up waste and clears snow on unassumed roads, but does not cut boulevards and court circles; and,

    Whereas there are Oshawans living on unassumed roads in subdivisions for five plus years that have repeatedly called when the boulevard and court circle grass and weeds are so high the fire hydrants are not visible;

    Now therefore, staff investigate the current process and the benefit of the cutting of grass on unassumed roads and being reimbursed by the developer.

The Oshawa Environmental Advisory Committee respectfully reports and recommends to the Economic and Development Services Committee:

  • Recommendation

    That pursuant to Correspondence OEAC-23-35 from the Durham Environment and Climate Advisory Committee inviting nominations for an individual and/or organization for the 2023 Environmental Achievement Awards, staff be authorized to submit Friends of Second Marsh be nominated for the Dr. J. Murray Speirs Restoration Award.

[At the May 8, 2023 Economic and Development Services Committee meeting, this item was referred to the Oshawa Environmental Advisory Committee for input.]

  • Recommendation

    That Report OEAC-23-34 be submitted as the Oshawa Environmental Advisory Committee's comments and input concerning Correspondence ED-23-108 regarding a Policy banning single-use plastics.


  • Recommendation

    That the Economic and Development Services Committee select an appropriate option as set out in Section 5.3 of Report ED-23-170 dated September 6, 2023. 

  • Recommendation

    That Correspondence ED-23-171, dated September 1, 2023, concerning the Biltimore Theatre and the application for retroactive funding through the CIP program be referred to staff for a report.

(Also See Pages C307 to C314 - Closed Pursuant to Section 239 (2)(c) of the Municipal Act)

  • Recommendation

    That the Economic and Development Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    1. That, pursuant to Report-ED-23-140 dated September 6, 2023, the City-owned land known municipally as the Christine Crescent right-of-way be declared surplus to municipal requirements and that the requirement to declare a City-owned property first as potentially surplus in accordance with By-law 178-2022, be waived given the localized nature of the matter.
    2. That, pursuant to Report-ED-23-140 dated September 6, 2023, all notice requirements in accordance with By-law 178-2022 be waived given the localized nature of Council’s decision to declare the subject City-owned land known municipally as the Christine Crescent right-of-way as surplus.

(Also See Pages C315 to C316 - Closed Pursuant to Section 239 (2)(c) of the Municipal Act)

  • Recommendation

    That the Economic and Development Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    1. That pursuant to Report ED-23-141 dated September 6, 2023, a portion of the City-owned Cromwell Avenue road allowance located north of Highway 401, east of Park Road South, be declared surplus to municipal requirements and that the requirement to declare a City-owned property first as potentially surplus in accordance with By-law 178-2022, be waived given the localized nature of the matter.
    2. That pursuant to Report ED-23-141 dated September 6, 2023, all notice requirements in accordance with By-law 178-2022 be waived given the localized nature of Council’s decision to declare the subject portion of the City-owned Cromwell Avenue road allowance as surplus. 
  • Recommendation

    That Report ED-23-163, dated September 6, 2023 being the Economic and Development Services Committee Outstanding Items Status Report for the third quarter of 2023 be received for information

  • Recommendation

    That the Economic and Development Services Committee recommend to City Council that pursuant to Report ED-23-154 dated September 6, 2023, the Commissioner of Economic and Development Services or Director of Planning Services be authorized to approve the sign variance application submitted by Pattison Outdoor Advertising (File: SV-2023-01) to permit the alteration of the southeast face of the existing non-accessory roof sign at 1220 Simcoe Street North to provide a read-o-graph as a display surface. 

  • Recommendation

    That the Economic and Development Services Committee recommend to City Council that Report ED-23-155 dated September 6, 2023 concerning the infrastructure needs for the Pedestrian Bridge MS-4-2023 located in Knights of Columbus Park be recommended to the Mayor for consideration in the 2024 Budget deliberations. 

  • Recommendation

    That the Economic and Development Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    Whereas, pursuant to City Council’s June 26, 2017 direction related to Report DS-17- 129 dated June 15, 2017, on July 4, 2017, the Director of Planning Services approved, subject to conditions, a draft plan of subdivision (File: S-O-2016-06) submitted by Downing Street (1015 King Street) Inc. (the “Applicant”) for an extension of Queensdale Avenue and 6 single detached dwelling lots on the north side of the extended Queensdale Avenue and 11 single detached dwelling lots on the south side of the extended Queensdale Avenue [see Attachment 1 (location of Phase 2) and Attachment 2 (draft approved plan)]; and,

    Whereas, on September 3, 2021, the Applicant submitted applications to amend Zoning By-law 60-94 (File: Z-2021-07) for the Applicant’s lands between King Street East and Queensdale Avenue to permit 34 block townhouse units and 9 street townhouse units (see Attachment 3); and,

    Whereas, draft plan of subdivision S-O-2016-06 included lands on the north side of Queensdale Avenue that were now subject to a new development proposal under the application to amend Zoning By-law 60-94 (File: Z-2021-07); and,

    Whereas, on September 3, 2021, the Applicant also submitted applications for approval of a draft plan of subdivision (File: S-O-2021-02), a common elements draft plan of subdivision (File: C-O-2021-01) and removal of part lot control (File: PLC-2021-11) related to the proposed 34 block townhouses; and,

    Whereas, on September 3, 2021, the Applicant also submitted an application for removal of part lot control (File: PLC-2021-08) to create the 9 street townhouse lots for the Phase 2 lands; and,

    Whereas, on November 29, 2021, the Development Services Committee held a Planning Act public meeting for the applications; and,

    Whereas, on September 23, 2022, the Applicant filed an appeal of the applications to amend Zoning By-law 60-94 (File: Z-2021-07) and for approval of the draft plan of subdivision (File: S-O-2021-02) to the Ontario Land Tribunal (“O.L.T.”) for failure of the City to make a decision within the timelines prescribed by the Planning Act; and,

    Whereas, through the O.L.T. appeal the Applicant revised their proposal to 32 block townhouse units and 10 street townhouse units (see Attachment 3); and,

    Whereas, on April 21, 2023, the Applicant registered Phase 1 of draft plan of subdivision S-O-2016-06 which included the extension of Queensdale Avenue and the 11 single detached dwelling lots on the south side of Queensdale Avenue; and,

    Whereas, on August 18, 2023, the O.L.T. issued a decision approving the revised zoning by-law amendment and draft plan of subdivision S-O-2021-02 for the proposed townhouses on the basis of a settlement reached between the City and the Applicant; and,

    Whereas, on August 25, 2023, the Applicant requested that the City approve a revised draft plan for Phase 2 of draft approved plan of subdivision S-O-2016-06 to convert Lots 4, 5 and 6 from 3 lots for 3 single detached dwellings to two blocks for 10 street townhouse dwellings (see Attachment 4); and,

    Whereas, the Planning Act specifies that an approval authority is not required to give written notice of a change to the conditions of approval if, in the opinion of the approval authority, the changes are minor in nature; and,

    Whereas, the proposed revisions to the draft plan comply with Zoning By-law 60-94, as amended as a result of the O.L.T. decision; and,

    Whereas, the proposed changes are considered to be minor in nature and are consistent with the development proposal presented as part of the consideration of revised development proposal by the City, the public and the O.L.T.; and,

    Whereas, a revision to the approved draft plan is reasonable given the planning approvals process undertaken to date;

    Therefore be it resolved:

    That, pursuant to ED-23-165 dated September 11, 2023, the proposed revisions to Phase 2 of Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision S-O-2016-06 to accommodate two blocks for 10 street townhouse dwelling lots previously proposed for three single detached dwellings lots be approved, and the revisions be shown on the final 40M Plan for registration to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services.

  • Recommendation

    That the Economic and Development Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    1. That, pursuant to Report ED-23-167, dated September 6, 2023, Council endorse Land Use  Alternative 3, in principle, as the basis for the development of the preferred solution in Stage 3 of the Integrated Major Transit Station Area Study.
    2. That, pursuant to Report ED-23-167, dated September 6, 2023, staff be authorized to schedule Public Information Centre Number 3 to be held in the fourth quarter of 2023, to be held at Oshawa  City Hall in-person but also offering a virtual forum, for the purpose of presenting for public review and input a Preferred Design Concept and related Preliminary Design for the Preferred Design Concept for the Integrated Major Transit Station Area Study.
    3. That, pursuant to Report ED-23-167, dated September 6, 2023, staff be authorized to provide notice of the public consultation process for Stage 3 of the Integrated Major Transit Station Area Study as generally outlined in Section 5.5.2 of said Report.
    4. That, pursuant to Report ED-23-167, dated September 6, 2023, Parsons Inc. provide a presentation to the Economic and Development Services Committee giving an update on the progress of Stage 3 of the Integrated Major Transit Station Area Study, prior to the holding of Public Information Centre Number 3.
    5. That, pursuant to Report ED-23-167, dated September 6, 2023, upon concluding the public consultation process for Stage 3 of the Integrated Major Transit Station Area Study, staff be directed to report back to the Economic and Development Services Committee with the results of the public consultation. 
  • Recommendation

    That the Economic and Development Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    1. That, pursuant to Report ED-23-153 dated September 6, 2023, the application submitted by 2736516 Ontario Inc. under the City’s Urban Growth Centre Community Improvement Plan for an Increased Assessment Grant be approved in accordance with the comments in said Report.
    2. That, pursuant to Report ED-23-153 dated September 6, 2023, 2736516 Ontario Inc. enter into an agreement with the City under the City’s Urban Growth Centre Community Improvement Plan in a form and content satisfactory to the Commissioner of Economic and Development Services and the City Solicitor.

Closed Pursuant to Section 239 (2)(c) of the Municipal Act

(See Pages C317 to C318)

  • Recommendation

    That Correspondence ED-23-168, dated August 29, 2023, concerning real estate matters related to the Bowmanville GO Rail Service Extension be referred to staff for a report. 

Closed Pursuant to Section 239 (2)(c) of the Municipal Act

(See Pages C319)

  • Recommendation

    That Correspondence ED-23-169, dated August 31, 2023, concerning an Expression of Interest for Public Parking Lot (Lot 4) located on the North side of Athol Street East, between Centre Street South and Simcoe Street South be referred to Closed Report ED-23-149.

Closed Pursuant to Section 239 (2)(c) of the Municipal Act

(See Memo released on August 24, 2023 - Pages C1 to C9)

  • Recommendation

    That the Economic and Development Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    That, pursuant to Closed Item ED-23-139, the Closed Correspondence ED-23-135 concerning a request from Fontur International Inc. on behalf of Signum Wireless to enter into a lease agreement with the City for the installation of a telecommunication tower location at 760 King Street West be received for information.

Closed Pursuant to Section 239 (2)(c) of the Municipal Act

(See Memo released on August 24, 2023 - Pages C10 to C19)

  • Recommendation

    That the Economic and Development Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    That, pursuant to Closed Report ED-23-142 dated August 24, 2023, staff be authorized to execute the disposal strategy outlined in Section 5.3 of said Closed Report for the City-owned land located on the west side of Park Road South and known municipally as 134 Park Road South, that was declared surplus to municipal requirements by City Council on June 26, 2023.

Closed Pursuant to Section 239 (2)(c) of the Municipal Act

(See Memo released on August 24, 2023 - Pages C20 to C54)

  • Recommendation

    That, pursuant to Closed Report ED-23-144 dated August 24, 2023, the Commissioner, Economic and Development Services Department be authorized to enter into a lease agreement with Rogers Communications Inc. for a new telecommunication tower and related at grade equipment and fencing at 171 Harmony Road South consistent with the terms and conditions as generally set out in Section 5.4 of said Closed Report, and in form and content satisfactory to the Commissioner, Economic and Development Services Department and City Solicitor

Closed Pursuant to Section 239 (2)(c) of the Municipal Act

(See Memo released on August 24, 2023 - Pages C55 to C71)

  • Recommendation

    That the Economic and Development Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    That, pursuant to Closed Report ED-23-146 dated August 24, 2023, the Commissioner, Economic and Development Services Department be authorized to enter into an agreement of purchase and sale for a portion of the grassed area situated in the northwest corner of the Delpark Homes Centre site at 1661 Harmony Road North, generally in accordance with key terms as set out in Section 5.5 of said Report, together with such documents as are required to complete the transaction in the opinion of the City Solicitor, and further that the agreement and other required documents be in a form and content satisfactory to the City Solicitor and the Commissioner, Economic and Development Services Department.

Closed Pursuant to Section 239 (2)(c) of the Municipal Act

(See Memo released on August 24, 2023 - Pages C72 to C159)

  • Recommendation

    That the Economic and Development Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    That, pursuant to Closed Report ED-23-150 dated August 24, 2023, the Commissioner, Economic and Development Services Department be authorized to execute amendments to the Aviation Services and Facilities Agreement and Sublease for Land Agreement dated October 30, 1996 between the City of Oshawa and NAV Canada for certain lands at the Oshawa Executive Airport, consistent with the proposed amendments as generally set out in Section 5.2 of said Report and in a form and content satisfactory to the Commissioner, Economic and Development Services Department and the City Solicitor.

Closed Pursuant to Section 239 (2)(c) of the Municipal Act

(See Memo released on August 24, 2023 - Pages C160 to C177)

  • Recommendation

    That the Economic and Development Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    That pursuant to Closed Report ED-23-151 dated August 24, 2023, the Commissioner, Economic and Development Services Department be authorized to enter into agreements of purchase and sale for portions of the City-owned lands municipally known as 0 Haig Street, generally in accordance with key terms as set out in Sections 5.4.1 and 5.4.2 of said Report, together with such documents as are required to complete the transactions in the opinion of the City Solicitor, and further that the agreements and other required documents be in a form and content satisfactory to the City Solicitor and the Commissioner, Economic and Development Services Department.

Closed Pursuant to Section 239 (2)(c) of the Municipal Act

(See Memo released on August 24, 2023 - Pages C178 to C193)

  • Recommendation

    That the Economic and Development Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    1. That, pursuant to the 1997 Operating and Options Agreement between the City and Transport Canada, the lands described as a portion of Part 15 of Reference Plan 40R-25332, as shown on Attachment 3 of Closed Report ED-23-156 dated August 24, 2023, be deemed not necessary for the management, maintenance or operation of the Oshawa.
    2. That, pursuant to Closed Report ED-23-156 dated August 24, 2023, staff be authorized to execute the disposal strategy outlined in Section 5.3 of said Report for the City-owned lands described as a portion of Part 15 of Reference Plan 40R-25332, as shown on Attachment 3 of said Report, that were declared surplus to municipal requirements by City Council on May 24, 2011.

Closed Pursuant to Section 239 (2)(c) of the Municipal Act

(See Pages C320 to C379)

  • Recommendation

    That the Economic and Development Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    1. That, pursuant to Closed Report ED-23-162 dated September 6, 2023, the recommended proponent be endorsed as the successful proponent of the Request for Proposals (Reference Number C-2023-057) to operate a golf course on City-owned land at 1145 Thornton Road North currently occupied by the Oshawa Airport Golf Club.
    2. That, pursuant to Closed Report ED-23-162 dated September 6, 2023, and in accordance with Delegation of Authority By-law 29-2009, as amended, the Commissioner of Economic and Development Services Department be authorized to execute a lease agreement with the successful proponent for part of the City-owned land located at 1145 Thornton Road North, as shown on Attachment 1 and 2 of said Report, together with any other required documents to advance said lease agreement, generally consistent with the key terms outlined in Section 5.3 of said Report and in a form and content satisfactory to the Commissioner of Economic and Development Services and the City Solicitor.
    3. That, pursuant to Closed Report ED-23-162 dated September 6, 2023, the Commissioner of Economic and Development Services be authorized to execute, on behalf of the City of Oshawa, the Owner’s Authorization required for any application or permit submitted by the successful proponent for the purposes of advancing any proposed leasehold improvements to the subject site including, but not limited to, the existing clubhouse, accessory buildings, grounds and irrigation system, subject to said improvements being to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Economic and Development Services Department in consultation with the City Solicitor.

Closed Pursuant to Section 239 (2)(c) of the Municipal Act

(See Pages C380 to C394) 

  • Recommendation

    That the Economic and Development Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    Whereas, the dwelling located at 195 Simcoe Street North, known as the “Robert McLaughlin House”, is a “listed, non-designated” property on the City’s Register of Properties of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest under Section 27 of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter O.18 (the “Heritage Act”) but is not currently designated; and,

    Whereas, by letter dated February 2, 2021, Nantuck Investments Inc. (the “Owner”) submitted a notice of their intention to demolish the Robert McLaughlin House to City staff; and,

    Whereas, on March 29, 2021, Council directed staff to undertake, among other matters, the process to designate the Robert McLaughlin House as a property of cultural heritage value or interest under the Heritage Act; and,

    Whereas, on April 1, 2021, staff issued notice of the City’s intention to designate the Robert McLaughlin House, advising that any person may, on or before May 3, 2021, file a Notice of Objection to the proposed designation; and,

    Whereas, on April 30, 2021, the Owner submitted a Notice of Objection to the City with respect to the proposed designation, which was subsequently referred by City staff to the then Conservation Review Board [now referred to as the Ontario Land Tribunal (“O.L.T.”)] for a hearing and recommendation to City Council concerning the designation; and,

    Whereas, on November 30, 2021, at the request of the O.L.T., the City’s notice of intention to designate was revised on consent from the City and the Owner in order to more appropriately reflect the notice requirements of the Heritage Act (see Attachment 1 – Notice of Intention to Designate); and,

    Whereas, on March 16, 2023, the Owner submitted an application under Section 34 of the Heritage Act requesting to demolish the Robert McLaughlin House; and,

    Whereas, on June 26, 2023, City Council denied the Owner’s Section 34 application to demolish the Robert McLaughlin House; and,

    Whereas, on July 6, 2023, the Owner was provided Notice of Council’s Decision to deny the Section 34 application (the “Notice”); and,

    Whereas, on July 6, 2023, the Notice was also provided to the Ontario Heritage Trust, and published in the Oshawa This Week newspaper; and,

    Whereas, on August 8, 2023, the Owner submitted a Notice of Appeal to Council’s decision to deny the Section 34 application (see Attachment 2 – Notice of Appeal); and,

    Whereas, on August 23, 2023, the Owner submitted notice to both the City and the
    O.L.T. that they are withdrawing their April 2021 Notice of Objection to the proposed designation under Section 29 of the Heritage Act (see Attachment 3 – Notice of Withdrawal); and,

    Whereas, under Section 29 of the Heritage Act upon submission of a Notice of Withdrawal, “the council shall act in accordance with subsection (6) as if no notice of objection had been served;” and,

    Whereas subsection 29(6) requires Council to either pass a by-law designating the property, or issue Notice of Withdrawal in order to withdraw the notice of intention to designate; and,

    Whereas, in light of Council’s previous position that the property be designated, it is recommended that Council pass a by-law designating the Robert McLaughlin House under Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act; and,

    Whereas, it is important to note that the Owner still intends to proceed with the Section 34 appeal related to the application to demolish the Robert McLaughlin House; and,

    Whereas, notwithstanding Council advancing designation of the Robert McLaughlin House, staff will continue to support Council’s position that the Owner’s Section 34 application be denied, per the direction provided by Council through Report ED-23-127 dated May 31, 2023;

    Therefore, be it resolved that the Economic and Development Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    1. That, pursuant to Closed Item ED-23-166 dated September 11, 2023, Economic and Development Services staff prepare the necessary by-law and Designation Statement and Description to designate the Robert McLaughlin House under Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.
    2. That, pursuant to Closed Item ED-23-166 dated September 11, 2023, City Council consider and approve said by-law designating the Robert McLaughlin House on October 2, 2023.
    3. That, pursuant to Closed Item ED-23-166 dated September 11, 2023, Economic and Development Services staff be authorized to:
      1. Provide Notice of By-law Passing to Nantuck Investments Inc., owner of 195 Simcoe Street North, in accordance with the requirements of Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act;
      2. Forward the Notice to the Ontario Heritage Trust in accordance with the Ontario Heritage Act; and,
      3. Publish the Notice in accordance with the Ontario Heritage Act.

Closed Pursuant to Section 239 (2)(c) of the Municipal Act

(See Memo released on August 24, 2023 - Pages C194 to C222)

  • Recommendation

    That the Economic and Development Services Committee select an appropriate option as set out in Section 5.5 of Closed Report ED-23-145 dated August 24, 2023 

Closed Pursuant to Section 239 (2)(c) of the Municipal Act

(See Memo released on August 24, 2023 - Pages C223 to C233)

  • Recommendation

    That the Economic and Development Services Committee select an appropriate option as set out in Section 5.4 of Closed Report ED-23-147 dated August 24, 2023. 

Closed Pursuant to Section 239 (2)(c) of the Municipal Act

(See Memo released on August 24, 2023 - Pages C234 to C279)

  • Recommendation

    That the Economic and Development Services Committee select an appropriate option as set out in Section 5.4 of Closed Report ED-23-149 dated August 24, 2023. 

Closed Pursuant to Section 239 (2)(c) of the Municipal Act

(See Memo released on August 24, 2023 - Pages C280 to C306)

  • Recommendation

    That the Economic and Development Services Committee select an appropriate option as set out in Section 5.9 of Closed Report ED-23-152 dated August 24, 2023. 

Closed Pursuant to Section 239 (2)(c) of the Municipal Act

(See Pages C395 to C413)

  • Recommendation

    That the Economic and Development Services Committee select an appropriate option from Section 5.7 of Closed Report ED-23-160 dated September 6, 2023.

Closed Pursuant to Section 239 (2)(c) of the Municipal Act

(See Pages C414 to C589)

  • Recommendation

    That pursuant to Closed Report ED-23-161 dated September 6, 2023, the Economic and Development Services Committee select an appropriate option as set out in Section 5.4 of said Report concerning next steps for the disposal of the City-owned land located at 0 and 20 Harbour Road.

(As may be presented at the meeting)  

(As may be presented by Council Members)  

Miles Weeks, Senior Planner, Fotenn, to provide a presentation concerning an overview of the Applications to Amend the Oshawa Official Plan and Zoning By-law 60-94 and for approval of a Draft Plan of Subdivision submitted by 144 and 155 First Avenue, First Avenue Investments (Oshawa) Inc.

(As requested)  

  • Recommendation

    That Correspondence ED-23-167, dated August 29, 2023, concerning the Applications to Amend the Oshawa Official Plan and Zoning By-law 60-94 and for approval of a Draft Plan of Subdivision submitted by 144 and 155 First Avenue, First Avenue Investments, be referred to Report ED-23-159.

  • Recommendation

    That pursuant to Report ED-23-159 dated September 6, 2023, concerning the applications submitted by Fotenn Consultants Inc. on behalf of First Avenue Investments (Oshawa) Inc. to amend the Oshawa Official Plan (File: OPA-2023-02) and Zoning By-law 60-94 (File: Z-2023-05) and for approval of a draft plan of subdivision (File: S-O-2023-02) to permit eight (8) development blocks featuring multiple towers ranging in height from 14 to 42 storeys, 5,435 residential units, approximately 5,873 square metres (63,216.45 sq. ft.) of ground related commercial floor space, a 0.52 hectare (1.28 ac.) public park, two (2) road widening blocks and private roads located at 144 and 155 First Avenue, staff be directed to further review and prepare a subsequent report and recommendation back to the Economic and Development Services Committee. This direction does not constitute or imply any form or degree of approval.

Michael Fry, D.G. Biddle & Associates Limited, to provide a presentation concerning the Applications to Amend the Secondary Plan for the Samac Community and Zoning By-law 60-94, 1494339 Ontario Limited, for lands generally located at the southeast corner of Ritson Road North and Luple Avenue. 

(As requested) 

  • Recommendation

    That, pursuant to Report ED-23-157 dated September 6, 2023, concerning the applications submitted by D.G. Biddle & Associates Limited on behalf of 1494339 Ontario Limited to amend both the Secondary Plan for the Samac Community (File: OPA-2022-06) and Zoning By-law 60-94 (File: Z-2022-07) to permit the development of four (4) single detached dwellings and a six (6) storey, 46 unit apartment building at lands generally located at the southeast corner of Ritson Road North and Luple Avenue, staff be directed to further review and prepare a subsequent report and recommendation back to the Economic and Development Services Committee. This direction does not constitute or imply any form or degree of approval. 

Michael Fry, D.G. Biddle & Associates Limited, to provide a presentation concerning the Application to Amend Zoning By-law 60-94 submitted by 184 Bond Oshawa Limited for lands generally located at 184 Bond Street West.

(As requested) 

  • Recommendation

    That Correspondence ED-23-148, dated July 24, 2023, concerning the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment for 184 Bond St W., Oshawa, be referred to Report ED-23-158.

  • Recommendation

    That pursuant to Report ED-23-158 dated September 6, 2023, concerning the application submitted by D.G. Biddle and Associates Limited on behalf of 184 Bond Oshawa Limited to amend Zoning By-law 60-94 (File Z-2023-04) to permit the development of a new six (6) storey, 52 unit apartment building at 184 Bond Street West, staff be directed to further review and prepare a subsequent report and recommendation back to the Economic and Development Services Committee. This direction does not constitute or imply any form or degree of approval.