That the Community and Operations Services Committee recommend to City Council:
Whereas at its meeting of June 21, 2021, City Council referred Report CS-21-75 concerning cycling network maintenance issues for staff to review; and,
Whereas staff assessed observed safety concerns and recommendations proposed in Report CS-21-75 against City standards and the Ontario Traffic Manual; and,
Whereas Project 52-0049 - Airport Trail Safety Modifications was considered by Council as part of the 2023 Capital Budget to address safety concerns for an estimated cost of $800,000; and,
Whereas in accordance with CNCL-23-07, “2023 Proposed Capital Budget Addendum”, Council approved $200,000 as part of the 2023 Capital budget and a reduced scope of work for Project 52-0049 to implement risk mitigation measures including increased levels of service, specifically providing diligent year-round operations and maintenance, in addition to the implementation of recommended interim safety measures; and,
Whereas implementation of interim and permanent risk mitigation measures, including those approved as part of CNCL-23-07, are expected to be complete by February 2, 2024;
Therefore, be it resolved, that Report CO-24-02 dated January 10, 2024 concerning cycling network maintenance issues, be received for information.