The meeting recessed at 2:31 p.m. and reconvened in closed session at 2:39 p.m. with the following in attendance: Councillors Chapman, Giberson, Gray, Lee, Marimpietri, McConkey, Neal and Mayor Carter. Also in attendance were R. Rossetti, Council-Committee Coordinator; J. Lane, Council-Committee Coordinator; F. Bianchet, Council-Committee Coordinator; the Commissioner, Economic and Development Services Department; the Director, Business and Economic Development Services; the Director, Planning Services; the Manager, Policy; the Manager, Development and Urban Design; the Senior Planner; the City Solicitor and the Lawyer.
All other staff and members of the public left the meeting.
Closed meeting discussions took place.
The Committee rose from closed session at 2:58 p.m.
The following is a summary of the closed portion of the meeting.
The Committee questioned the Commissioner, Economic and Development Services Department concerning Report ED-23-129 regarding a request to purchase City-owned Christine Crescent Road Allowance.
The Commissioner, Economic and Development Services Department responded to questions from the Committee.
The Committee questioned the Commissioner, Economic and Development Services Department concerning Report ED-23-130 regarding a request to purchase City-owned Athol Street West Municipal Lot.
The Commissioner, Economic and Development Services Department responded to questions from the Committee.
The Committee questioned the Commissioner, Economic and Development Services Department concerning Report ED-23-116 regarding a request to purchase or lease a portion of the City-owned land at Chopin Park, municipally known as 595 Montgomery Street, west of Hillcrest Drive.
The Commissioner, Economic and Development Services Department responded to questions from the Committee.
This concludes the closed meeting summary.