That the Corporate and Finance Services Committee recommend to City Council:
Whereas the Purchasing By-law, requires Council approval of Professional and Consulting Services contract awards greater than $100,000; and,
Whereas Council has approved funding in the annual Taxes Written Off budget for assessment & appeal management services; and,
Whereas Procurement issued a Request for Proposal Assessment & Appeal Management Services for an initial three year term with the option to renew for additional three one-year terms; and,
Whereas one (1) bid was received (publically posted on the City’s website at Oshawa's Bids and Tenders) and opened by Procurement on January 23, 2024; and,
Whereas the evaluation team reviewed the bid received by MTAG Paralegal Professional Corp. as comprehensive, thorough, addressed all requirements of the R.F.P, and best satisfied the City’s requirements; and,
Whereas the proposal received from MTAG Paralegal Professional Corp. in the amount of *$216,000 for Assessment & Appeal Management Services for an initial three year term meets the requirements of the proposal;
Therefore be it resolved that pursuant to Item CF-24-09:
- That in accordance with Item CF-24-09, dated February 5, 2024, that the Manager, Procurement, be authorized to award an initial three year contract to MTAG Paralegal Professional Corp. in the amount of *$216,000 for Assessment & Appeal Management Services, being the highest ranked proponent received; and
- That the Manager, Procurement, be authorized to extend this contract for an additional three one-year terms, subject to provision of satisfactory services and pricing.