Corporate and Finance Services Committee Meeting Agenda

Council Chamber

Members of the Committee:

Councillor Giberson, Chair

Councillor Marks, Vice-Chair

Councillor Marimpietri

Councillor McConkey

Councillor Neal

Mayor Carter, Ex Officio


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The City of Oshawa is situated on lands within the traditional and treaty territory of the Michi Saagiig and Chippewa Anishinaabeg and the signatories of the Williams Treaties, which include the Mississaugas of Scugog Island, Curve Lake, Hiawatha and Alderville First Nations, and the Chippewas of Georgina Island, Rama and Beausoleil First Nations.

We are grateful for the Anishinaabeg who have cared for the land and waters within this territory since time immemorial.

We recognize that Oshawa is steeped in rich Indigenous history and is now present day home to many First Nations, Inuit and Métis people. We express gratitude for this diverse group of Indigenous Peoples who continue to care for the land and shape and strengthen our community.

As a municipality, we are committed to understanding the truth of our shared history, acknowledging our role in addressing the negative impacts that colonization continues to have on Indigenous Peoples, developing reciprocal relationships, and taking meaningful action toward reconciliation.

We are all Treaty people.

(As may be presented at the meeting)

(As may be presented by Committee Members)

Sandra Austin, Executive Director, Strategic Initiatives, Region of Durham to provide a presentation concerning the Region's Strategic Plan process and online survey.

  • Recommendation

    That the Corporate and Finance Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    That Report CF-24-12, dated February 28, 2024 concerning the 2023 annual investment activity be received for information.

  • Recommendation

    That the Corporate and Finance Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    That Report CF-24-13, dated February 28, 2024 concerning the corporate payments for the months of October, November and December 2023 be received for information.

  • Recommendation

    That the Corporate and Finance Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    Whereas, the Purchasing By-Law 80-2020 requires Council approval to award contracts greater than $2,000,000; and,

    Whereas, Council approved funding in the 2023 and 2024 budget for Project 11-0071 in the amounts of $1,500,000 and $2,300,000 respectively, for a total of $3,800,000 including non-rebateable H.S.T. for Roof Replacement – Harman Arena; and,

    Whereas, there has been a total of $161,000 committed to date for design and contract management, and structural reinforcement; and,

    Whereas, Procurement issued a Request for Tender (R.F.T.) C2024-005 for Roof Replacement – Harman Park Arena; and,

    Whereas, four (4) bids were received and opened by Procurement on February 5, 2024; and,

    Whereas, Bids received are publically posted on the City website at Oshawa's Bids and Tenders; and,

    Whereas, the bid received from Bel-Con Design-Builders Ltd. in the amount of $2,105,878 excluding H.S.T., meets the requirements of the tender and is within budget; and,

    Whereas, the bidders provided optional pricing for work related to roof area 6 and supply and install of low emissivity ceiling; and,

    Whereas, Bel-Con Design-Builders Ltd. cost to complete the optional work is $309,066 for a total cost of $2,414,944 excluding H.S.T.;

    Therefore, be it resolved that pursuant to CF-24-14, that the Manager, Procurement award a contract to Bel-Con Design-Builders Ltd. in the amount of $2,414,944 excluding H.S.T., for Roof Replacement – Harman Park Arena.

  • Recommendation

    That the Corporate and Finance Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    Whereas at its February 8, 2021 meeting, the Corporate Services Committee (“Committee”) meeting provided the following direction: 

    “Whereas Council members in instances where Municipal Law Enforcement has received complaints on vacant properties and issued Orders, when these matters come before Committee and Council, members receive copies of the Orders and a summary of the history of complaints and Municipal Law Enforcement actions in order to make informed decisions regarding requests for demolition; and,
    That a summary of complaint history on vacant properties be referred to the City Solicitor”; and, 

    Whereas the City’s Property Standards By-law 1-2002, as amended – which was modernized by way of By-law 136-2021, as approved by Council at its November 22, 2021 meeting – prescribes minimum standards for the maintenance and occupancy of buildings, structures and surrounding lands, including with respect to vacant buildings that are in a state of disrepair and/or maintenance, and is established pursuant to the Ontario Building Code Act, 1992, S.O. 1992, c. 23; and,

    Whereas at its May 1, 2023 Council meeting, Council approved of a Vacant Buildings and Land Registry By-law in accordance with Report SF-23-17 dated April 19, 2023, which establishes a requirement to register a vacant building or land and establishes a regular full-cost recovery inspection system in order to ensure that such properties continue to comply with the Property Standards By-law and all applicable law; and,

    Whereas specific enforcement activities, including the issuance of Property Standards Orders and related details, are not disseminated to Committee or Council pursuant to Enforcement By-law 92-2014 (“Enforcement By-law”) as they contain confidential and personal information; and,

    Whereas disclosure of personal information is subject to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.56 and related processes;

    Therefore be it resolved: 

    1. That members of Committee and Council not be provided with copies of Orders and a summary of the complaint history on vacant properties; and,
    2. That the Item “Request for Summary of Complaint History on Vacant Properties” be removed from the Corporate and Finance Services Committee’s Outstanding Items List.
  • Recommendation

    That the Corporate and Finance Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    1. That pursuant to Report CF-24-17, dated February 28, 2024, concerning reserves and reserve funds funding, a transfer of surplus funds from the Tax Appeal Reserve in the amount of $4,000,000 be transferred to the following reserves:
      1. Parks and Recreation Infrastructure Reserve $1,000,000
      2. Energy Management Fund $500,000
      3. Conditions Audit (CARS) Reserve $1,000,000
      4. Information Technology (IT) Reserve $500,000
      5. Tribute Communities Centre (TCC) Reserve $1,000,000; and,
    2. That the 2023 Operating Surplus in the amount of approximately $4.5 million be utilized:
      1. to repay interfund note  (IFN) #70, City of Oshawa By-law 12-2023, in the amount of $1,666,000; and,
      2. to repay interfund note #71, City of Oshawa By-law 11-2023, in the amount of $800,000; and,
      3. to provide additional funding to the Growth Related Non-DC Reserve in the amount of approximately $2.0M; and,
    3. That unclaimed Site Alteration securities and applicable interest in the amount of $371,700 be transferred to the Civic Property Development Reserve.
  • Recommendation

    That the Corporate and Finance Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    That Report CF-24-18, dated February 28, 2024 concerning the Capital Project Status Report as of December 31, 2023  be received for information.

  • Recommendation

    That the Corporate and Finance Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    1. That the Manager, Procurement be authorized to extend the existing contract for a one year term as outlined in Report CF-24-19, “Security Surveillance and Guard Services Contract”, dated February 28, 2024, to Logixx Security Inc. for the provision of security surveillance and guard services; and,
    2. That the Manager, Procurement be authorized to extend the contract for an additional two one-year terms to Logixx Security Inc. subject to favourable service and pricing; and,
    3. That the Region of Durham be requested to assist with the cost and enter into a memorandum of understanding with the City of Oshawa for fifty (50) per cent of the cost of the Dedicated Downtown Patrol Enforcement Resource for the calendar year 2024, and that the Commissioner, Corporate and Finance Services be authorized to enter into the agreement in a form and content to the satisfaction of the Commissioner, Corporate and Finance Services and the City Solicitor; and,
    4. That a copy of this report and Council resolution be provided to the Region of Durham Council, Region of Durham Social Services Department, Region of Durham Health Department, Region of Durham Planning & Economic Development Department, Lakeridge Health and Durham Regional Police Service Board, Chief of Police and Greater Oshawa Chamber of Commerce.
  • Recommendation

    That the Corporate and Finance Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    Whereas, the Purchasing By-Law 80-2020 requires Council approval to award contracts greater than $2,000,000 and that exceed the approved budget; and,

    Whereas Council approved funding for Project 24-13-0056 in the amount of $4,000,000 including non-rebateable H.S.T. for eight (8) Side Loaders; and,

    Whereas Procurement issued a Request for Tender (R.F.T.) C2024-010 for Supply and Delivery of 8 Side Loading Refuse Trucks Split Packers; and,

    Whereas two (2) bids were received and opened by Procurement on February 15, 2024; and,

    Whereas bids received are publically posted on the City website at Oshawa's Bids and Tenders; and,

    Whereas the bid received from Winslow-Gerolamy Motors Limited in the amount of $4,506,416 ($4,585,729 including non-rebateable H.S.T.), is the lowest compliant bidder and meets the requirements of the tender; and,

    Whereas there is a funding shortfall of $585,729 including the non-rebateable H.S.T.; and,

    Whereas the additional cost of $585,729 can be funded from the Operations Reserve;

    Therefore be it resolved that pursuant to CF-24-20:

    1. That additional funding of $585,729 to be funded from the Operations Reserve be approved; and,
    2. That the Manager, Procurement award a contract to Winslow-Gerolamy Motors  Limited in the amount of $4,506,416 excluding H.S.T., for Supply and Delivery of 8 Side Loading Refuse Trucks Split Packers.
  • Recommendation

    That the Corporate and Finance Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    1. That in accordance with Report CF-24-21 dated February 28, 2024 concerning a proposed replacement of By-law 42-2014, Council pass a new Election Sign By-law as set out in Attachment 1 to this report and in a form and content acceptable to the City Solicitor and the City Clerk; and,
    2. That By-law 42-2014, as amended, be repealed.
  • Recommendation

    That the Corporate and Finance Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    1. Whereas on February 19, 2019 the Corporate Services Committee referred the following motion to staff for a report: “That administrative or procedural direction given by a Council without passage of a motion at City Council shall terminate at the end of the term of Council.”; and,
      Whereas such administrative or procedural directions given without motion or decision of Council are verbal only and therefore are not captured in minutes of a meeting and cannot be tracked; and,
      Whereas on June 10, 2022 Council adopted and new Procedure By-law; and,
      Whereas Section 26.1d) of Council’s Procedure By-law states that all direction to staff will be given in the form of a motion;
      Therefore that all administrative or procedural directions given by previous Councils without the passage of a motion be terminated and Item 4 be removed from the Corporate and Finance Services Committee’s Outstanding Items List; and,
    2. Whereas on May 1, 2023 Council referred Correspondence CF-23-33 from the Ontario Regiment requesting 10 parking spaces for Armoury members in Parking Lot 20 and options for parking in adjacent City garages to staff for a report; and,
      Whereas as a result of this direction, this item appears on the Corporate and Finance Services Committee’s Outstanding Items Status Report; and,
      Whereas such parking requests are more appropriately handled by Community and Operations Services Department staff;
      Therefore that Item 14 from the Ontario Regiment requesting 10 parking spaces for Armoury members in Parking Lot 20 and options for parking in adjacent City garages be removed from the Corporate and Finance Services Committee Outstanding Items list and placed on the Community and Operations Services Committee’s Outstanding Items List; and,
    3. Whereas on June 23, 2023, Council directed that staff receive feedback from the Community, members of Council and staff concerning a new Oshawa Strategic Plan; and,

      Whereas this direction includes reporting back to Council directly, not Committee, and was erroneously included on the Committee's Outstanding Items Status Report; and,
      Whereas Council has a special meeting scheduled on April 12, 2024 to provide feedback, following which staff will report to Council at a later meeting;
      Therefore that Item 17 regarding the 2024-2027 Strategic Plan be removed from the Corporate and Finance Services Committee's Outstanding Items List; and,

    4. That the remainder of Report CF-24-22 dated February 28, 2024 being the Corporate and Finance Services Committee’s Outstanding Items Status Report for the first quarter of 2024 be received for information.
  • Recommendation

    That the Corporate and Finance Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    That in accordance with Report CF-24-16 dated February 28, 2024 concerning the Combined Heat and Power Plant at Delpark Homes Centre, staff be directed to terminate all agreements related to the Combined Heat and Power Plant at Delpark Homes Centre.