Community Services Committee Meeting Agenda

Electronic Meeting

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(As may be presented at the meeting)

(As may be presented by Council Members)

  • Recommendation

    That the Community Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    That a 4-way stop be installed at the intersection of Solar Gate and Bridle Road.

  • Recommendation

    That the Community Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    Whereas the City frequently receives complaints from residents about windrows caused by the snow ploughs, especially on elbow streets, corner lots, courts and cul-de-sacs; and,

    Whereas improvements may be found with staff reviewing the City’s snow removal process to consider snow clearing efficiencies and ways to minimize the windrows caused by snow ploughs at the end of residential driveways; and,

    Whereas other GTA municipalities, such as Richmond Hill and Vaughan have windrow clearing programs not exclusive to seniors, but for windrows on all residential driveways on local roads city-wide; and,

    Therefore staff investigate a city-wide in-house Oshawa windrow clearing program for residential driveways on local roads, and prepare a report that includes:

    1. Results of a public survey that gauges Oshawa residents’ level of interest in a city-wide windrow clearing program on local streets; and,
    2. Gives consideration to a phased in approach for possible implementation starting with City courts, elbow streets and cul-de-sacs windrows.
  • Recommendation

    The vote on Part 1 of the notice of motion concerning the City of Oshawa's snow removal process related to a public survey to gauge the level of interest.

  • Recommendation

    The vote on Part 2 of the notice of motion concerning the City of Oshawa's snow removal process related to a phased in approach for possible implementation. 

Whereas the Region of Durham initiated Vision Zero and the radar cameras in certain locations around the Region;

Whereas the Town of Ajax and the Town of Whitby are investigating entering into similar agreements with radar camera providers;

Now therefore staff investigate the costs for the City of Oshawa to enter into an agreement with radar camera providers and survey Oshawa residents interest in having them installed in hot spots in the City for where speeding is most prevalent.

  • Recommendation

    That CS-22-08, being the notice of motion concerning the potential to initiate radar camera agreements be received for information. 

  • Recommendation

    That CS-22-08, being the notice of motion concerning the potential to initiate radar camera agreements, be referred to staff to report back in the third quarter of 2022.

  • Recommendation

    Councillor Giberson challenged the ruling of the Chair.

That Report DS-22-09 being the eighth report of the Oshawa Accessibility Advisory Committee concerning accessible public use of clubhouse washrooms be referred to the Community Services Committee:

1.    Accessible Public Use of Clubhouse Washrooms    (OAAC-21-62)

  • Recommendation

    That Oshawa Accessibility Advisory Committee (OAAC) requests City Council investigate the agreement with the Oshawa Central Council of Neighbourhood Associations (OCCNA) for accessible public use of clubhouse washrooms in City-owned parks that are being redeveloped.

  • Recommendation

    That the Community Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    That CS-22-09 being the Eighth Report of the Oshawa Accessibility Advisory Committee be referred to staff to consult with the Oshawa Central Council Neighbourhood Associations (OCCNA).

Oshawa Environmental Advisory Committee respectfully reports and recommends to the Community Services Committee its First Report.

1.    Optional Street Tree Installation - Tree Planting Working Group Report     (OEAC-22-09)

  • Recommendation

    That CS-22-11, being the first report of the Oshawa Environmental Advisory Committee be referred to staff to report back in March. 

  • Recommendation

    That all items listed under the heading of Public Consent Agenda for the February 14, 2022 Community Services Committee meeting be adopted as recommended except Report CS-22-16.

  • Recommendation

    That the Community Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    1. That based on Report CS-22-12 dated February 9, 2022, the Pepper Patch Community Garden Committee be formed and assume the operation of the gardens located at 138 and 139 Albert Street in accordance with this Report; and,
    2. That the members of the Pepper Patch Community Garden Committee be recognized as volunteers of the City of Oshawa enabling the City to extend coverage under its Municipal Liability Insurance Policy; and,
    3. That members of We Grow Food be thanked for their efforts in establishing the Pepper Patch, Berry Patch and South Patch for their years of dedicated service to the community.


  • Recommendation

    That the Community Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    Whereas a licence agreement between the Oshawa PUC Networks Inc. (OPUC) and Oshawa Downtown BIA, appended as Attachment 1, was signed and dated September 16, 2019, (the “Agreement”); and,

    Whereas the licence agreement was a pilot agreement in 2019; and,

    Whereas the agreement was for the two parties to establish the use of OPUC poles for pole wrapping; and,

    Whereas the pole wrappings were to be part of a branding campaign for Durham College; and,

    Whereas the Oshawa Downtown BIA is dissolved and the City has assumed the responsibilities of the Oshawa Downtown BIA; and,

    Whereas the President of Durham College has provided correspondence advising that they no longer support the pole wrap branding campaign; and,

    Whereas the CEO of Oshawa PUC Networks Inc. has been advised and agrees that the agreement will be terminated; and,

    Therefore, pursuant to CS-22-13, be it resolved that the agreement dated September 16, 2019 between the Oshawa PUC Networks Inc. and the Oshawa Downtown BIA be terminated.

  • Recommendation

    That the Community Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    1. That, pursuant to Report CS-22-15 dated February 9, 2022  City staff be authorized to remove and dispose of the mural entitled “On the Lake (The Argyle)” which is located on the west exterior wall of the property located at 32-40 King Street East; and,
    2. That, pursuant to Report CS-22-15 dated February 9, 2022, the Mayor on behalf of Council be authorized to write a letter to the family of the artist and include a print of the macquette of the mural painted by the artist.


  • Recommendation

    That the Community Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    That Report CS-22-16, dated February 9, 2022, concerning the Community Centennial public feedback update be received for information.

  • Recommendation

    That the meeting adjourn at 12:30 p.m.