Whereas the Canada Water Agencies Great Lakes Ecosystem funding is available to support critical environmental projects; and,
Whereas the deadline for applications is February 13, 2025; and,
Whereas the maximum funding amount through the grant is $3 million; and,
Whereas the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (C.L.O.C.A.) has proposed a project at Oshawa Second Marsh (O.S.M.) to advance the Oshawa Second Marsh Management Plan actions; and,
Whereas the City currently provides funding to CLOCA for annual long-term monitoring at Oshawa Second Marsh as part of the Durham Region Coastal Wetland Monitoring Program, as well as annual funding to Friends of Second Marsh for education and community engagement activities; and,
Whereas results from CLOCA’s monitoring program indicate that the overall health of Oshawa Second Marsh is declining; and,
Whereas the proposed project focuses on priority areas including bathymetry restoration, enhancing hydraulic connections, and removing phragmites; and,
Whereas these efforts are essential for the health and sustainability of the marsh ecosystem; and,
Whereas C.L.O.C.A. will be leading the application process and project, and has requested a letter of support from the City as the property owner and to ensure the project aligns with the City's goals for the site; and,
Whereas although matching funds are not required as part of the application process, additional financial support towards the project would be beneficial to the success of the application; and,
Whereas the project could also leverage future capital projects associated with public access and trail infrastructure as well as community engagement opportunities; and,
Whereas C.L.O.C.A. has a proven track record of successfully managing similar initiatives, as demonstrated by their recent award of $2.1 million in funding over the next four years through the Great Lakes Freshwater Ecosystem Initiative for the Lynde Shores Restoration and Resilience Project within Lynde Shores Conservation Area; and,
Whereas future capital projects that support the implementation of the Second Marsh Management Plan and public access, including connections to the McLaughlin Bay Wildlife Reserve, should be considered as part of upcoming budget submissions; and,
Whereas efforts to advance the Oshawa Second Marsh Management Plan responds to the Oshawa Strategic Plan Priority Area “Care: Safe and Sustainable Environment” with the goal to manage impacts on natural assets such as wetlands and waterways and enhance tree canopy;
Therefore, be it resolved that Council authorize the Mayor to sign a letter of support for the proposed project, and that this letter be forwarded to CLOCA for inclusion in their Great Lakes Ecosystem Initiative funding application.