Heritage Oshawa


Committee Room
  • Diane Stephen, Chair
  • Patty Davis, Vice Chair
  • Robert Bell
  • Nadim Lalani
  • John O'Boyle
  • James Bountrogiannis
  • Sarah Smale
  • Jennifer Weymark, Oshawa Historical Society
  • Councillor Lee
Also Present:
  • K. Christopher, Council-Committee Coordinator
  • F. Bianchet, Council-Committee Coordinator
  • H. Whilsmith, Planner A

Diane Stephen called the meeting to order and advised that all members of the Committee were in attendance in the Committee Room except Nadim Lalani and James Bountrogiannis who participated electronically, and Jennifer Weymark and Councillor Lee who was absent. 

The City of Oshawa is situated on lands within the traditional and treaty territory of the Michi Saagiig and Chippewa Anishinaabeg and the signatories of the Williams Treaties, which include the Mississaugas of Scugog Island, Curve Lake, Hiawatha and Alderville First Nations, and the Chippewas of Georgina Island, Rama and Beausoleil First Nations.

We are grateful for the Anishinaabeg who have cared for the land and waters within this territory since time immemorial.

We recognize that Oshawa is steeped in rich Indigenous history and is now present day home to many First Nations, Inuit and Métis people. We express gratitude for this diverse group of Indigenous Peoples who continue to care for the land and shape and strengthen our community.

As a municipality, we are committed to understanding the truth of our shared history, acknowledging our role in addressing the negative impacts that colonization continues to have on Indigenous Peoples, developing reciprocal relationships, and taking meaningful action toward reconciliation.

  • Moved byPatty Davis

    That the presentation from Harrison Whilsmith concerning the intention to demolish 300 Court Street be added to the Agenda for the Heritage Oshawa meeting of June 27, 2024.

    Motion Carried

Robert Bell declared a conflict of pecuniary interest concerning the presentation on the Site Plan Application at 39 Athol Street West as he is a member of the Simcoe Street United Church which is adjacent to the property and did not take part in discussion or voting on the matter.

Robert Bell declared a conflict of pecuniary interest concerning Report HTG-24-37 regarding the Request for Input – Albert Street Bridge and Farewell Street Multi-Use Bridge Documentation, Salvage and Commemoration Reports, as he owns stocks within the Canadian Pacific Kansas City Rail Network and did not take part in discussion or voting on the matter.

  • Robert Bell declared a conflict on this item. (Robert Bell declared a conflict of pecuniary interest concerning the presentation on the Site Plan Application at 39 Athol Street West as he is a member of the Simcoe Street United Church which is adjacent to the property and did not take part in discussion or voting on the matter.)

Harrison Whilsmith, Planner A, provided a presentation concerning the site plan application at 39 Athol Street West.

Members of the Committee questioned the Planner A. 

Harrison Whilsmith, Planner A, provided a presentation concerning the intention to demolish 300 Court Street. 

Members of the Committee questioned the Planner A. 

  • Moved byPatty Davis

    That based on the presentation from Planning Services concerning the intention to demolish 300 Court Street, the owner of 300 Court Street be contacted for permission to conduct a research report on their property for the purpose of checking other historic land uses and building history; and

    That in the event of demolition, photos be taken of the interior and any pertinent artifacts be chosen before demolition and donated to the Oshawa Museum.

    Motion Carried
  • Moved byRobert Bell

    That pursuant to Correspondence HTG-24-34, Heritage Oshawa have a research report prepared for 37 Adelaide Avenue West and that this be communicated to the property owner with our thanks, and

    That the funds come from the Professional and Technical Account in the Heritage Oshawa Budget. 

    Motion Carried
  • Robert Bell declared a conflict on this item. (Robert Bell declared a conflict of pecuniary interest concerning Report HTG-24-37 regarding the Request for Input – Albert Street Bridge and Farewell Street Multi-Use Bridge Documentation, Salvage and Commemoration Reports, as he owns stocks within the Canadian Pacific Kansas City Rail Network and did not take part in discussion or voting on the matter.)
  • Moved byPatty Davis

    That Report HTG-24-37 dated June 21, 2024 concerning the Request for Input – Albert Street Bridge and Farewell Street Multi-Use Bridge Documentation, Salvage and Commemoration Reports, be received for information. 

    Motion Carried
  • Moved byPatty Davis

    That Report HTG-24-38 dated June 21, 2024 concerning an update on the designation of 442 King Street East be received for information.

    Motion Carried
  • Moved byPatty Davis

    That Report HTG-24-39 dated June 21, 2024 concerning the Q2 update of Heritage Oshawa’s 2024 Budget and Work Plan be received for information.

    Motion Carried
  • Moved byRobert Bell

    That Report HTG-24-40 dated June 21, 2024 concerning the list of properties with 70 year old structures be received for information.

  • Moved byRobert Bell

    That the motion be withdrawn

  • Moved byRobert Bell

    That Report HTG-24-40 dated June 21, 2024 concerning the list of properties with 70 year old structures be referred to the Evaluation and Inventory Working Group. 

    Motion Carried
  • Moved byPatty Davis

    That, pursuant to Report HTG-24-41 dated June 21, 2024, a 2025 Heritage Oshawa Work Plan and Budget Working Group be created in order to prepare a 2025 Heritage Oshawa Work Plan and Budget submission and report back to the September 2024 meeting; and

    That Patty Davis, James Bountrogiannis, Sara Smale and Diane Stephen be appointed to the Working Group; and

    That Patty Davis be appointed as Chair 

    Motion Carried
  • Moved byPatty Davis

    That the Heritage Oshawa Outstanding Items List Status Report - Second Quarter 2024 be received for information. 

    Motion Carried
  • Moved by Sara Smale

    Whereas there is a 2002 research report, 
    Therefore, an updated research report for 55 Connaught Street, be prepared with possible consideration for designation by Council.

  • Moved byRobert Bell

    That HTG-24-36 concerning the 2024 Heritage Oshawa Work Plan Review Working Group Report - Research Report for 55 Connaught Street be tabled. 

    Motion Carried
  • Moved by Sara Smale

    Whereas HTG 21-16 was presented to Heritage Oshawa regarding Completion of Letters to Identify Interest in Designation of Class A and B properties in Heritage Oshawa Inventory, which was following up on Oshawa Council endorsements of DS-19-107 and DS-20-58; and,

    Whereas HTG-21-32 included amendments to the letter prepared by staff to be sent to homeowners, was approved,

    Therefore, this letter be sent to homeowners of property on the Heritage Oshawa Inventory. 

  • Moved byRobert Bell

    That Report HTG-24-44 concerning the 2024 Heritage Oshawa Work Plan Review Working Group Report - Homeowners of Property on the Heritage Oshawa Inventory, be deferred to the September meeting of Heritage Oshawa. 

    Motion Carried
  • Moved byPatty Davis

    That Heritage Oshawa recommend to the Corporate and Finance Services Committee: 

    Whereas upon reviewing the membership status of other Advisory Committees, and 
    Whereas Heritage Oshawa currently has seven (7) citizen members, one (1) shareholder member and one Councillor; and,

    Whereas Heritage Oshawa members undertake considerable time and work within working groups; and,

    Whereas there is often overlap of Heritage Oshawa members on many working groups; and,

    Whereas having more Heritage Oshawa citizen members would help to spread out the workload on volunteer members, and volunteer hours that are committed to Heritage Oshawa; and,

    Whereas the Oshawa Accessible Advisory Committee (OAAC) has nine (9) citizen members and one Councillor; and,

    Whereas the Oshawa Environmental Advisory Committee (OEAC) has ten (10) (ten residents-at-large with preference given to up to two students) members and one Councillor; and,

    Whereas the Oshawa Animal Care Advisory Committee (OACAC) has one (1) member of the public and nine (9) representatives from animal advocacy groups members and one Councillor,

    Therefore, that Council consider increasing the membership of Heritage Oshawa from seven (7) citizens and one (1) stakeholder to ten (10) citizens and one (1) stakeholder.   

    Motion Carried

Patty Davis assumed the Chair. 

  • Moved byDiane Stephen

    That verbal Report HTG-24-42 concerning the Centennial Brochure Working Group be received for information. 

    Motion Carried
  • Moved byDiane Stephen

    That verbal Report HTG-24-42 concerning the Evaluation and Inventory Working Group be received for information. 

    Motion Carried

    Diane Stephen resumed the Chair. 

  • Moved byRobert Bell

    That a Canada Day Working Group be created in order to address Section 6A of the 2024 Work Plan to patriciate in the festivities on Canada Day; and,

    That Patty Davis, Diane Stephen and Robert Bell be appointed to the Working Group; and,

    That Robert Bell be appointed as Chair of the Canada Day Working Group.

    Motion Carried

Patty Davis assumed the Chair. 

  • Moved byDiane Stephen

    That Heritage Oshawa recommend to the Corporate and Finance Services Committee: 

    Whereas there are many celebrations and anniversaries taking place during the City of Oshawa Centennial year; and

    Whereas there are important Oshawa-based Equine milestones, celebrations and anniversaries in our Centennial year to celebrate; and

    Whereas the King’s Plate is Canada’s oldest thoroughbred horse race and oldest continuously run race in North America; and

    Whereas there has been a total of 3 thoroughbred horses owned by either Parkwood Stables or Col. R.S. McLaughlin who won the King’s Plate in 1934, 1946, and 1947; and

    Whereas in 1934, 90 years ago, Horometer, owned by Col. R.S. McLaughlin, won the King’s Plate; and

    Whereas there have been 2 Thoroughbred horses owned by Mr. E.P. Taylor who have won the King’s Plate in 1949 and 1951; and

    Whereas in 1949, 75 years ago, Epic, owned by Mr. E.P. Taylor won the King’s Plate; and

    Whereas there have been 9 Thoroughbred horses owned by either Windfields Farm or E.P. Taylor, who have won the Queen’s Plate in 1953, 1957, 1959, 1960, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1978, and 1985; and

    Whereas in 1964, 60 years ago, Northern Dancer, owned by Windfields Farm, won the Queen’s Plate;

    Therefore, that the City of Oshawa publishes an announcement/press release through the Corporate Commutations Department the time of the 165th running of the 2024 King’s Plate on August 17, 2024, to acknowledge and celebrate these wonderful equine milestones for Col. R.S. McLaughlin, Parkwood Stables, Mr. E.P. Taylor, and Windfields Farm, that brought, and still brings the attention of the world, to our City of Oshawa. 

    Motion Carried

    Diane Stephen resumed the Chair. 

  • Moved byPatty Davis

    That the meeting adjourn at 9:00 p.m.

    Motion Carried