Consent Motion:
Whereas, the Purchasing By-Law 80-2020 requires Council to approve Professional and Consulting Services single source contracts greater than $50,000; and,
Whereas, the Strategic Workforce Plan requires reviewing and updating to assist with future staffing and budget requirements; and,
Whereas, in 2021, the City issued Request for Proposal C2021-001 Strategic Workforce Plan and J. Macpherson and Associates was the successful proponent; and,
Whereas, Council approved Report CNCL-21-92 “Strategic Workforce Planning: 2022-2025 Staff Resourcing Forecast” prepared by J. Macpherson & Associates; and,
Whereas, the report indicated there was a staffing deficit of 97 Full Time Equivalent positions (“FTE”); and,
Whereas, through the 2022, 2023 and 2024 operating budgets there were 134 FTEs added; and,
Whereas, an update to the Workforce Strategy should be undertaken to determine the appropriate number of new FTEs that should be proposed in future budgets to maintain service levels, address growth and plan for future needs; and,
Whereas, it is administratively practical and cost effective to single source the review and update to J. Macpherson and Associates; and,
Whereas, the cost for an updated Workforce Strategy can be funded from Account 15917 HR Special Projects;
Therefore, be it resolved that, pursuant to Item CNCL-24-38, Council authorize the Manager, Procurement to award a single source contract to J. Macpherson and Associates for an amount not to exceed $80,000, including non-rebateable H.S.T., for Strategic Workforce Plan review and update.