Whereas at the February 3, 2025 Economic and Development Services Committee and Planning Act Meeting, the Committee considered Report ED-25-20 and recommended to Council:
“That pursuant to Report ED-25-20 dated January 29, 2025, concerning the Detailed Design for the One-Way to Two-Way Conversions for Albert Street, Celina Street, Brock Street East, and Colborne Street:
- That Council endorse, in principle, the detailed designs for converting Albert Street, Celina Street, Brock Street East, and Colborne Street to two-way operations that would require changes to pavement markings and signage only; and,
- That staff be authorized to post the detailed design on the City’s website; and,
- The staff investigate options for the conversion of Albert Street, Celina Street, Brock Street East, and Colborne Street in 2025 and report back to the March Economic and Development Services Committee.”
Whereas Project 20-40-0054, Two-way Street Conversion Study, was approved for $100,000 to undertake a Feasibility Study of converting Albert Street and Celina Street to two-way traffic operations; and,
Whereas Project 21-40-0061, Two-way Street Conversion Study, was approved for $50,000 to undertake a Feasibility Study of converting Brock Street and Colborne Street to two-way traffic operations; and,
Whereas Project 23-74-0157, Two-way Street Conversion Study, was approved for $250,000 for the detailed design for the two-way conversion of Albert Street, Celina Street, Brock Street East, and Colborne Street and,
Whereas in 2023, the remaining budgets from Project 20-40-0054 and Project 21-40-0061 were transferred to Project 23-74-0157; and,
Whereas in 2024, an additional $100,000 was approved for Project 23-74-0157 in the Mayor’s Budget; and,
Whereas in 2024, staff identified an opportunity to undertake the detailed design in-house, rather than requiring consultant assistance, resulting in considerable cost savings; and,
Whereas total expenditures of approximately $127,000 have been assigned to Project 23-74-0157 to date, primarily relating to the completion of the Feasibility Studies; and,
Whereas Project 23-74-0157, Two-way Street Conversion Study, has a remaining approved budget of approximately $370,000; and,
Whereas by using pavement markings and signage only, Report ED-25-20 identified that the cost of converting Brock Street East, Colborne Street, Albert Street, and Celina Street is approximately $400,000; and,
Whereas Project 23-74-0157 does not have sufficient budget to facilitate the conversion of Brock Street East, Colborne Street, Albert Street, and Celina Street in 2025; and,
Whereas additional coordination is required with the Region of Durham for the design of the traffic signals along Albert Street, and Celina Street;
Therefore be it resolved that pursuant to Item ED-25-33 dated March 3, 2025 concerning the one-way to two-way conversions for Albert Street, Celina Street, Brock Street East, and Colborne Street:
- That subject to the approval of Part 2, City staff continue to coordinate with the Region of Durham to finalize the design of traffic signals along Albert Street, and Celina Street required for the conversion to two-way traffic operations; and,
- That the additional budget required for the conversion of Albert Street, and Celina Street to two-way traffic operations be referred to the 2026 Mayor’s Budget for consideration; and,
- That $25,000 from Project 23-74-0157 be approved for the conversion of Brock Street East and Colborne Street in 2025; and,
- That staff develop a communications plan to communicate the conversion to area residents.