City Council Meeting

Council Chamber

The personal information contained in your correspondence to Oshawa City Council or its committees is collected under the Municipal Act, 2001.  Any personal information you choose to disclose in your correspondence will be used to receive your views on the relevant issue(s) to enable the City to make its decision on the matter.  This information will become part of the public record.

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The City of Oshawa is situated on lands within the traditional and treaty territory of the Michi Saagiig and Chippewa Anishinaabeg and the signatories of the Williams Treaties, which include the Mississaugas of Scugog Island, Curve Lake, Hiawatha and Alderville First Nations, and the Chippewas of Georgina Island, Rama and Beausoleil First Nations.

We are grateful for the Anishinaabeg who have cared for the land and waters within this territory since time immemorial.

We recognize that Oshawa is steeped in rich Indigenous history and is now present day home to many First Nations, Inuit and Métis people. We express gratitude for this diverse group of Indigenous Peoples who continue to care for the land and shape and strengthen our community.

As a municipality, we are committed to understanding the truth of our shared history, acknowledging our role in addressing the negative impacts that colonization continues to have on Indigenous Peoples, developing reciprocal relationships, and taking meaningful action toward reconciliation.

We are all Treaty people. 

(As may be presented by Council Members)

(As may be presented at the meeting)

(As may be presented by Council Members)

The Rotary Club Walk of Fame to introduce the inductees for 2024. 

Louise Parkes requesting to address City Council concerning Report ED-24-112 regarding the Mural Art Evaluation Plan 

Aidan Flaglor requesting to address City Council concerning Report ED-24-112 regarding the Mural Art Evaluation Plan 

Joshua Glover requesting to address City Council concerning Report ED-24-112 regarding the Mural Art Evaluation Plan 

Denise Carpenter, Robert Watson and Daniel Arbour, Oshawa Power, requesting to address City Council concerning Closed Report CNCL-24-115 regarding Oshawa Power and Utilities Corporation and its subsidiary, Oshawa P.U.C. Networks Inc. - Amended and Reinstated Shareholder Declaration

  • Recommendation

    That all items listed under the heading of Public Consent Agenda for the City Council Meeting dated October 28, 2024 be adopted as recommended.

  • Recommendation

    That the minutes of the City Council meeting held on September 23, 2024 be adopted.

  • Recommendation

    That correspondence CNCL-24-114 from various residents submitting comments concerning Report ED-24-112 regarding the Art Mural Evaluation Plan be referred to the respective item.

The Community and Operations Services Committee respectfully reports and recommends to City Council its Ninteenth Report. 

  • Recommendation

    That based on Report CO-24-51 dated October 16, 2024, Council approve the revised Sport Field and Outdoor Court Allocation Policy as attached to this Report and in a final form and content acceptable to the Commissioner, Community and Operations Services Department and the Director, Legislative Services/City Clerk.

  • Recommendation

    Whereas Council referred a request from the Ontario Regiment RCAC Museum (“Ontario Regiment”) for ten (10) parking spaces for armoury members in Parking Lot 20 and options for parking in the adjacent City garages to staff; and,

    Whereas Council approved the redevelopment of Parking Lot 20 into an Urban Square as part of the 2023 Capital Budget; and,

    Whereas it is anticipated that the record of site condition altering the property designation to an Urban Square will be received by the fourth quarter 2024; and,

    Whereas Parking Lot 20 cannot be used as a business once the record of site condition is completed; and,

    Whereas Parking Lot 20 is situated at the Northeast corner of Bond Street and Simcoe Street; and,

    Whereas the Mary Street Parkade is situated on the Northeast corner of King Street and Mary Street which could be considered as a suitable alternative to Lot 20; and,

    Whereas the Mary Street Parkade has a total of 654 parking spaces with 550 parking spaces allocated for monthly parking permits; and,

    Whereas the Mary Street Parkade currently utilizes 58% or 320 spaces of the 550 spaces allocated for monthly parking permits; and,

    Whereas the monthly parking rate for the Mary Street Parkade is $87.00 plus H.S.T. per parking space per the Fees and Charges By-law;

    Therefore, be it resolved that in accordance with item CO-24-52 dated October 16, 2024;

    1. The City of Oshawa enter into a licence agreement with the Ontario Regiment (RCAC Museum) for a minimum of ten (10) parking spaces in the Mary Street Parkade; and,
    2. That any additional parking spaces, to a maximum of fifteen (15) parking spaces be considered on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the Fees and Charges By-law; and,
    3. That the Commissioner, Community and Operations Services Department be authorized to sign the licence agreement and in a final form and content satisfactory to the Commissioner, Community and Operations Services Department, the Commissioner, Corporate and Finance Services Department and the City Solicitor; and,
    4. That the term of the licence agreement be for a period of one (1) year, with an option to extend for up to three (3) additional one (1) year terms; and,
    5. That the Ontario Regiment (RCAC Museum) pay each month the current lot rate applicable for the parking spaces in the Mary Street Parkade as noted in the Fees and Charges By-law.
  • Recommendation

    Whereas at its meeting of October 2, 2023 through Item CO-23-49, City Council authorized staff to enter into a licence agreement with 2410173 Ontario Inc. for the nine most southerly parking spaces along Ray Street in the Ray Street Parking Lot; and,

    Whereas the original term of the licence agreement was for a period of one (1) year, from November 2, 2023 to November 1, 2024, with an option to extend for up to three additional one (1) year terms, subject to three (3) months’ written notice; and,

    Whereas written notice to extend the agreement was not received from 2410173 Ontario Inc. until September 26, 2024, effectively ending the original agreement; and,

    Whereas staff have confirmed it is reasonable to continue to provide the nine (9) parking spaces in the Ray Street Parking Lot to 2410173 Ontario Inc. based on availability;

    Therefore be it resolved that pursuant to Item CO-24-53 dated October 16, 2024 concerning the licence agreement for nine (9) parking spaces in the Ray Street Parking Lot to 2410173 Ontario Inc.:

    1. That the City enter into a licence agreement with 2410173 Ontario Inc. for nine (9) parking spaces in the Ray Street Parking Lot; and,
    2. That the Commissioner, Community and Operations Services Department be authorized to sign the licence agreement and in a final form and content satisfactory to the Commissioner, Community and Operations Services Department, the Commissioner, Corporate and Finance Services Department and the City Solicitor; and,
    3.  That 2410173 Ontario Inc. pay each month the current lot rate applicable for the spaces in accordance with the City’s Fees and Charges By-law 109-2024; and,
    4. That the nine (9) most southerly spaces along Ray Street be allocated to 2410173 Ontario Inc. subject to the City’s discretion; and,
    5. That the term of the licence agreement be for a period of one (1) year commencing on November 2, 2024 with an option to extend for up to two (2) additional one-year terms in accordance with the original agreement, subject to three (3) months’ written notice.

The Corporate and Finance Services Committee respectfully reports and recommends to City Council its Twenty-first Report.

  • Recommendation

    That the 2025 Interim Tax Levying By-law as outlined in Attachment 1 to Report CF-24-62 dated October 2, 2024 concerning the 2025 Interim Tax Levying By-law be approved.

  • Recommendation

    Whereas the Province of Ontario has a funding opportunity through the Community Sport and Recreation Infrastructure Fund which will invest $200 million to revitalize existing recreation buildings as well as build new facilities; and,

    Whereas the Community Sport and Recreation Infrastructure Fund has two streams of funding; and,

    Whereas Stream 1 is focused on repairing and upgrading existing sports and recreation infrastructure to better meet the community’s needs; and,

    Whereas the Civic Stadium Track is reaching the end of its expected lifecycle. The track coating has started to delaminate in one of the lanes, creating a health and safety hazard. In order to maintain a full 8 lanes, resurfacing of the track will be required; and,

    Whereas the estimated cost for the Track Replacement is $2 million; and,

    Whereas the Community Sport and Recreation Infrastructure Fund – Stream 1 will fund projects up to 50% of eligible costs ranging from $150,000 to $1 million; and,

    Whereas the Community Sport and Recreation Infrastructure Fund – Stream 1 requires municipalities to seek endorsement from Council;

    Therefore be it resolved that based on CF-24-63, dated October 7, 2024, the Civic Stadium Track Replacement project be endorsed for the grant submission to the Community Sport and Recreation Infrastructure Fund – Stream 1 program.

The Economic and Development Services Committee respectfully reports and recommends to City Council its Thirty-sixth Report

  • Recommendation

    That based on the proposed Business and Economic Development Services Visual Brand Identity included in Attachment 1 of Report ED-24-108 dated October 2, 2024; Direction 1 be selected as the Brand Direction for Oshawa Economic Development and be applied to designs for banners, print and digital publications and other documents and materials generally in accordance with the associated brand guidelines prepared by Aubs and Mugg Inc.

  • Recommendation

    That pursuant to Report ED-24-109 dated October 2, 2024, Mr. Ara Saatdjian be approved for an Upgrade to Building and Fire Codes Grant in the amount of $26,788.09.

[Please note Supplementary Information Report CNCL-24-119 is distributed with the Council agenda]

  • Recommendation

    That pursuant to Report ED-24-112 dated October 2, 2024 concerning the Mural Art Evaluation Plan:

    1. That the Mural Art Evaluation Plan by STEPS Mural Art be endorsed; and,
    2. That City staff be directed to proceed with the steps as generally outlined in Section 4.4 of Report ED-24-112 to deaccession fourteen (14) of the existing downtown murals as outlined in Sections 4.4.2 and preserve one (1) mural, “Ontario Regiment – 130 Years of Service” as outlined in Sections 4.4.1; and,
    3. That 47 Bond Street West (where the mural “Victorian Order of Nurses – 100th Anniversary” is located) and 100 Simcoe Street South (where the mural “Camp X” is located) be approved as sites for new murals, with authorization to the Director, Business and Economic Development Services Department, to execute artist agreements.
  • Recommendation
    1. That, based on Report ED-24-113 dated October 2, 2024, in the event funding in the amount of $450,000 is approved in the 2025-2026 Mayor’s budget for the Official Plan Review:
      1. That Economic and Development Services staff be authorized to prepare appropriate Terms of Reference, in a form and content satisfactory to the Commissioner, Economic and Development Services Department, to complete a Growth Management Study as part of the Official Plan Review, including a Land Needs Assessment; and,
      2. That staff be authorized to advance a Request for Proposal process in consultation with Corporate and Finance Services staff that is open to the general public and targeted to planning related consultants to retain a consultant to undertake the Growth Management Study component of the Official Plan Review; and,

    2. That staff be authorized to forward a copy of Report ED-24-113 dated October 2, 2024 and the related Council resolution to the Region of Durham.

  • Recommendation
    1. That, based on Report ED-24-115 dated October 2, 2024, Oshawa Harbour Limited Partnership be provided the following in respect to its proposed development of a 16-storey, 336-unit mixed-use residential/commercial podium building at 80 Harbour Road under the City’s Harbour Road Area Community Improvement Plan:
      1. An Increased Assessment Grant totaling $5,594,460 over a 9-year period. The grant total is achieved based on the final assessment of the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation; and,
    2. That Oshawa Harbour Limited Partnership enter into an agreement with the City setting out performance criteria related to the approval of the Increased Assessment Grant under the City’s Harbour Road Area Community Improvement Plan generally including, but not limited to:
      1. A building permit for the foundation must be issued by July 1, 2025 and that construction activity lawfully commence within six (6) months of permit issuance;
      2. The building must have the foundation completed by January 31, 2027 to the satisfaction of the Chief Building Official;
      3. The project must be completed and available for first occupancy by July 1, 2031 to the satisfaction of the Chief Building Official;
      4. The Director Planning Services must approve an Accessibility Plan, with input from the Oshawa Accessibility Advisory Committee, and this Plan must be implemented and maintained;
      5. The property, including any building, must be maintained in accordance with the City’s Property Standards and Lot Maintenance By-laws and the Ontario Building Code during the period of the Grant;
      6. Oshawa Harbour Limited Partnership shall continuously comply with any City agreement and City By-laws;
      7. That any Increased Assessment Grant will only be provided to Oshawa Harbour Limited Partnership after all applicable City taxes have been paid by the property owner;
      8. The building architecture is to be designed to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services;
      9. Where possible, the owner shall use local trades and suppliers. The owner agrees to establish an appropriate notification program to the satisfaction of the Director, Planning Services, to make local trades and suppliers aware of the proposed development and allow them an opportunity to bid on the proposal; and,
      10. Any other appropriate criteria considered advisable by the City Solicitor and Commissioner, Economic and Development Services Department; and,
    3. That the Commissioner, Economic and Development Services Department, be authorized to execute any agreement(s) with the owner to implement Parts 1 and 2 above in a form and content satisfactory to the Commissioner, Economic and Development Services Department, and the City Solicitor.
  • Recommendation

    That, pursuant to Report ED-24-116 dated October 2, 2024, concerning the design and construction of Stevenson Road North from Taunton Road West to Conlin Road West:

    1. That staff be authorized to advance the detailed design of Stevenson Road North, as outlined in Section 4.4 of Report ED-24-116; and,
    2. That staff include the cost to advance the detailed design of Stevenson Road North in the Mayor’s 2025 Budget for consideration; and,
    3. That staff include the estimated cost for the reconstruction of Stevenson Road North in the Mayor’s 2026 Budget for consideration; and,
    4. That the Region of Durham be requested to advance the required funds within their 2025 and future Budgets for the purpose of providing serving works on Stevenson Road North in coordination with the City; and,
    5. That the Manger, Procurement be authorized to negotiate a contract extension to Gannett Fleming Canada ULC not to exceed the approved 2025 budget for design services.

The Safety and Facilities Services Committee respectfully reports and recommends to City Council its Nineteenth Report

  • Recommendation

    That Report SF-24-42 dated October 16, 2024 concerning the Tanker Shuttle Certification provided by Fire Protection Survey Services be received for information.

  • Recommendation

    Whereas the Administrative Penalty Process By-law 63-2013, as amended (“Administrative Penalty Process By-law”) is a by-law to establish a consistent process for non-parking administrative penalties within the City of Oshawa (“City”); and,

    Whereas the Parking Administrative Penalty System By-law 24-2011, as amended (“Parking Administrative Penalty System By-law”) is a by-law to establish a system for administrative penalties respecting the stopping, standing or parking of vehicles; and,

    Whereas staff regularly review the City’s by-laws to identify opportunities to enhance municipal regulatory standards; and,

    Whereas a review has identified an opportunity to implement minor technical amendments to the Administrative Penalty Process By-law and Parking Administrative Penalty System By-law to improve clarity in provisions related to the ability of the Director, Municipal Law Enforcement and Licensing Services to appeal a Screening Officer’s decision to the Hearing Officer;

    Therefore, be it resolved that City Council approve a by-law in a final form and content acceptable to Legal Services and the Commissioner, Safety and Facilities Services Department to amend Administrative Penalty Process By-law 63-2013, as amended and Parking Administrative Penalty System By-law 24-2011, as amended regarding the Director’s ability to appeal a Screening Officer’s decision to the Hearing Officer.

  • Recommendation

    That Item SF-24-44 concerning the Business Licensing By-law and Additional Licensing Classes be referred back to staff for further review and a report.

  • Recommendation
    1. That based on Report SF-24-45, dated October 16, 2024 concerning a request to name the bridge on the Joseph Kolodzie Bike Path, the request be denied as the bridge in question is part of the Joe Kolodzie Trail, which is already named; and,
    2. That staff be directed to provide the resident with information pertaining to the City's Commemorative Tree and Bench Program as an alternative option for recognition.
  • Recommendation

    That staff review strategies to mitigate the on-going illegal garbage dumping at Stone Crest Parkette.

  • Recommendation

    Whereas at its meeting of November 22, 2022, Council adopted the regular meeting schedule for the years 2023, 2024, 2025 and 2026; and,

    Whereas in January of 2025, the meeting cycle is scheduled to begin on January 6, 2025 with the Corporate and Finance Services Committee and Economic and Development Services Committee meetings; and,

    Whereas in January of 2026, the meeting cycle is scheduled to being on January 5, 2026 with the Corporate and Finance Services Committee and Economic and Development Services Committee meetings; and,

    Whereas meetings taking place so soon following the Statutory and Corporate Holidays in December and January 1 leave no time for staff reports to be finalized or agendas to be published for Council and the public on the Wednesdays prior to the regular meetings; and,

    Whereas there is a free week in the schedule the week prior to the Council meetings in January 2025 and 2026; and,

    Whereas the free week allows the schedule to be adjusted in both years to compress the January meeting cycle by moving the Standing Committee meetings to start one week later;

    Therefore, based on Item CNCL-24-113 dated October 23, 2024 concerning the Council Meeting Schedule for January 2025 and January 2026:

    1. That Council reconsider its decision regarding the schedule for the Standing Committee meetings in January 2025 and January 2026; and,
    2. That the regular meetings of the Corporate and Finance Services Committee and Economic and Development Services Committee be held on January 13, 2025 instead of January 6, 2025; and,
    3. That the regular meetings of the Community and Operations Services Committee and Safety and Facilities Committee be held on January 20, 2025 instead of January 13, 2025; and,
    4. That the regular meetings of the Corporate and Finance Services Committee and Economic and Development Services Committee be held on January 12, 2026 instead of January 5, 2026; and,
    5. That the regular meetings of the Community and Operations Services Committee and Safety and Facilities Committee be held on January 19, 2026 instead of January 12, 2026.
  • Recommendation

    That the Financial Strategy 2025-2029 outlined in Attachment 1 to Report CNCL-24-116 dated October 23, 2024, be endorsed. 

(Implements direction of October 28, 2024 through Item CF-24-62 of the Twenty-First Report of the Corporate and Finance Services Committee to implement and collect an Interim Tax Ley for 2025)

(Implements direction of October 28, 2024, through Item SF-24-43 of the Nineteenth Report of the Safety and Facilities Services Committee to amend the Administrative Penalty Process By-law and the Parking Administrative Penalty System By-law to improve clarity in provisions related to the Director’s ability to appeal a Screening Officer’s decision)

(Implements direction of April 29, 2024, through Report SF-24-06 of the Fifteenth Report of the Safety and Facilities Services Committee to establish a new Business Licensing By-law to regulate certain businesses in the City of Oshawa and to repeal By-law 120-2005) 

  • Recommendation

    That all items listed under the heading of Closed Consent Agenda for the City Council Meeting dated October 28, 2024 be adopted as recommended.

The Economic and Development Services Committee respectfully reports and recommends to City Council its Thirty-seventh Report

Closed Pursuant to Section 239 (2)(c) of the Municipal Act.

  • Recommendation

    That pursuant to Closed Report ED-24-107 dated October 2, 2024, City staff be authorized to proceed in accordance with Section 2.0 of said Report.

Closed Pursuant to Section 239 (2)(c) of the Municipal Act.

  • Recommendation

    That pursuant to Closed Report ED-24-111 dated October 2, 2024, Economic and Development Services staff be directed to advance the recommendation as set out in Section 2.0 of said Report in response to the Durham District School Board’s request for an amendment to its existing licence agreement with the City for non-exclusive use of a portion of the paved parking lot at the Delpark Homes Centre.

Closed Pursuant to Section 239 (2)(c), (e) and (f) of the Municipal Act.

(See Pages C131-C302)

  • Recommendation

    That based on Report CNCL-24-117 dated October 22, 2024, City staff be authorized to proceed in accordance with section 2.0 of said Report. 

Closed Pursuant to Section 239 (2)(k) of the Municipal Act.

(See Pages C303-C362)

  • Recommendation

    That based on Report CNCL-24-115 dated October 23, 2024, concerning an amended and reinstated Shareholder Declaration for Oshawa Power and Utilities Corporation (HoldCo) and its subsidiary, Oshawa P.U.C. Networks Inc. (WiresCo), Council select an option as outlined in Section 4.3. 

The following notice of motion is submitted by Councillor McConkey, seconded by Councillor Kerr: 

  • Recommendation

    Whereas many municipalities have programs for welcoming new residents;

    Now therefore the City of Oshawa CAO, Finance Services and Economic & Development Services investigate options to initiate a new pilot program to welcome new residents to Oshawa, with consideration of various potential of opportunities that might involve the Oshawa Libraries, the Greater Oshawa Chamber of Commerce and Oshawa service club associations and organizations, that might be implemented in such ways as, for example:

    1. when the finance department sends the first tax bill to new residential property owner, the City Treasurer include a short paragraph Welcoming New Residents; and,
    2. indicate that a that a group of local organizations have assembled a welcome bag that includes “some items and coupon certificates from local businesses”; and,
    3. a pass from the City for new residents to test out the community centre fitness centre, swimming pool or ice skating and enjoy a complimentary Museum tour; and,
    4. that the bag is available by pick up only by bringing the City letter to the public library (giving city library locations and phone number); and,
    5. also a notice that if the new residents are dog owners, that all dogs must be licensed and wear a current dog tag and provides an easy-to use online service to register dogs;

    with the goal is to be supportive to the City’s new residents.  

The following notice of motion is submitted by Councillor McConkey, seconded by Councillor Lee: 

  • Recommendation

    Whereas Mount Joy Park on Coldstream and Clearbrook Dr is a high use park and, this summer in particular, there is an increased number of youth baseball practices and games; and,

    Whereas due to the lack of washrooms available the Ward Councillors and City staff were notified last week that girl’s team members have had to resort to using the bushes;

    Whereas this has caused consternation for the coaches and families who are now asking for a porta-toilet to be installed this summer;

    Therefore City staff be given delegated authority to install a porta-toilet at Mount Joy Park this summer with funding made available from an appropriate reserve to be determined by the City’s Commissioner of Finance Services

The following notice of motion is submitted by Councillor Marimpietri, seconded by Councillor Bob Chapman:

  • Recommendation

    That staff investigate the feasibility of incorporating a full -size cricket field within the Ritson Fields, specifically the area of the existing side-by-side soccer fields located on the North East corner of the site; and,

    That in addition to the feasibility of adding a full-size cricket field at Ritson Fields, staff investigate potential program options that continue to meet the needs of existing user groups and potentially accommodate local cricket organizations; and,

    That should the staff report confirm the incorporation of a full-size cricket field at the existing Ritson Fields is feasible and Council approves the recommendation, investigation of a fully lit facility be considered as part of a future Capital Budget.

A by-law to confirm the City Council Meeting October 28, 2024