Oshawa Environmental Advisory Committee
Meeting Agenda

Committee Room

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For inquiries about this agenda please contact Legislative Services at 905-436-3311 or by email at clerks@oshawa.ca.

(As may be presented at the meeting)

(As may be presented by Members)

Trevor McCaw and Darryl McCaw, Renewal Squared to provide a presentation concerning Oshawa Municipal Textile Recycling.

Pidenam Bodjona, Transportation Project Engineer to provide a presentation concerning Stevenson Road North Municipal Class Environmental Study. 

Branden Morris, Planner A to provide a presentation concerning Stage Two of the Integrated Major Transit Station Area Study for Central Oshawa.

[At the May 8, 2023 Economic and Development Services Committee meeting, this Correspondence was referred to the Oshawa Environmental Advisory Committee for input.]

  • Recommendation

    That Report OEAC-23-26, dated June 2, 2023 concerning information from Oshawa City Council from its meeting of May 1, 2023 be received for information.

  • Recommendation

    That Report OEAC-23-30 dated June 6, 2023 concerning the 2023 O.E.A.C. Work Plan be received for information.  

  • Recommendation

    That Report OEAC-23-27 dated June 6, 2023 concerning the 2023 O.E.A.C. Budget be received for information.

  • Recommendation

    That based on Report OEAC-23-28 from the Road Salt Working Group:

    1. That the Oshawa Environmental Advisory Committee approve the revised content and design of the road salt awareness postcard; and,
    2. That the road salt awareness postcard be forwarded to the Corporate Communications Department for their review and approval for public distribution. 
  • Recommendation

    That based on Report OEAC-23-29 from the Film Night Working Group:

    That up to $1,500 from the Oshawa Environmental Advisory Committee's annual budget be allocated for the 2023 Fall Film Night event; and,

    That City staff coordinate available dates with the Regent Theatre as proposed in the Report; and,

    That the Fall Film Night event partner with Durham Region's Fall Community Climate Forum; and,

    That the film 'Seaspiracy' be selected for the event.

  • Recommendation

    That Report OEAC-23-31 concerning the Tree Planting Working Group activities for June 2023 be endorsed.