That the Economic and Development Services Committee recommend to City Council:
Whereas on May 2, 2016, City Council adopted the Urban Growth Centre Community Improvement Plan (“C.I.P.”). The C.I.P. is intended to encourage economic development in the Downtown Oshawa Urban Growth Centre through a variety of grant programs. The C.I.P. was advanced owing to the identification of downtown Oshawa as an Urban Growth Centre in the Provincial Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe; and,
Whereas the Urban Growth Centre C.I.P. has multiple grant streams including the Façade and Accessibility Improvement Grant Program; Conversion to Residential Grant Program; Upgrade to Building, Fire and Electrical Safety Codes Grant Program; Economic Stimulus Grant Program and the Increased Assessment Grant Program; and,
Whereas Sacco Schools Ltd. owns and operates the BondST Event Centre at 44 Bond Street East; and,
Whereas Sacco Schools Ltd. has applied to the C.I.P. program four times between Spring 2020 and Spring 2023; and,
Whereas in Spring 2020, Sacco Schools Ltd. was approved for a $10,000 Façade and Accessibility Improvement grant under the C.I.P. in order to upgrade the windows; and,
Whereas in Fall 2020, Sacco Schools Ltd. was approved for a $30,000 Upgrade to Building, Fire and Electrical Safety Codes grant under the C.I.P., in order to help fund interior alterations including dividing the building into five (5) components with a main floor to be used as live music and entertainment, second floor to be used as a restaurant, two small retail spaces in the front of the building and the basement to be used as a second smaller venue for local talent; and,
Whereas in Spring 2021, Sacco Schools Ltd. was approved for a $60,000 Upgrade to Building, Fire and Electrical Safety Codes grant, Façade and Accessibility Improvement grant and Economic Stimulus grant under the C.I.P. to help construct fire escapes, accessible washrooms and elevator access on all floors; and,
Whereas in Spring 2023, Sacco Schools Ltd. was approved for an Increased Assessment Grant under the C.I.P. realizing a maximum value of $81,900 paid over a nine year period; and,
Whereas the approvals bring the total value of all City approved grants to Sacco Schools Ltd. to $181,900 since 2020; and,
Whereas City staff have released $60,000 under the Façade and Accessibility Improvement grants and Upgrade to Building, Fire and Electrical Safety Codes grants in accordance with the C.I.P. program terms; and,
Whereas a release of $40,000 is outstanding under the approved Economic Stimulus grant which contemplates provisions for an elevator to provide access to all floors at BondST Event Centre and although some provisions are in place to support the elevator
it is not complete due to the need for additional financial support directed to the installation; and,
Whereas City staff do not have the opportunity to release this funding under the Council endorsed terms of the C.I.P. due to the open building permit to fully complete this work; and,
Whereas Sacco Schools Ltd. have submitted invoices to City staff detailing deposits and payments made regarding provisions for and the installation of the elevator to date which amount to approximately $94,250 in total invoices with approximately $59,700
paid to date; and,
Whereas Plan20Thirty – Action Plan for Continued Downtown Revitalization, includes the following actions to support accessible spaces in the downtown area:
- Continue promoting and seeking opportunities to enhance accessible infrastructure
to Downtown Businesses and through the public realm; and,
- Focus on establishing a shoppable downtown that possesses diverse retail offerings,
accessible locations, public washrooms and promotion of the area as a shopping
district; and,
Whereas the 2020-2023 Oshawa Strategic Plan includes:
- Continue to strive to be a barrier-free community; and,
Whereas it is expected that releasing the remaining $40,000 of approved funding to Sacco Schools Ltd. that has been directed towards the elevator at BondST Event Centre is anticipated to support completion of the elevator, establishing a fully accessible facility in downtown Oshawa;
Therefore, be it resolved that, City staff be directed to release the remaining $40,000 as part of the Economic Stimulus grant under the C.I.P. to Sacco Schools Ltd.