Heritage Oshawa


Committee Room
  • Diane Stephen, Chair
  • Robert Bell
  • John O'Boyle
  • Councillor Lee
  • Jennifer Weymark, Oshawa Historical Society
  • James Bountrogiannis
  • Sarah Smale
  • Patty Davis, Vice Chair
  • Nadim Lalani
Also Present:
  • K. Christopher, Council-Committee Coordinator
  • F. Bianchet, Council-Committee Coordinator
  • H. Whilsmith, Planner A
  • C. Leherbauer, Senior Planner
  • L. Moebs, Principal Planner

Diane Stephen called the meeting to order and advised that all members of the Committee were in attendance in the Committee Room except Jennifer Weymark and Patty Davis who participated electronically, and Nadim Lalani who was absent.

The City of Oshawa is situated on lands within the traditional and treaty territory of the Michi Saagiig and Chippewa Anishinaabeg and the signatories of the Williams Treaties, which include the Mississaugas of Scugog Island, Curve Lake, Hiawatha and Alderville First Nations, and the Chippewas of Georgina Island, Rama and Beausoleil First Nations.

We are grateful for the Anishinaabeg who have cared for the land and waters within this territory since time immemorial.

We recognize that Oshawa is steeped in rich Indigenous history and is now present day home to many First Nations, Inuit and Métis people. We express gratitude for this diverse group of Indigenous Peoples who continue to care for the land and shape and strengthen our community.

As a municipality, we are committed to understanding the truth of our shared history, acknowledging our role in addressing the negative impacts that colonization continues to have on Indigenous Peoples, developing reciprocal relationships, and taking meaningful action toward reconciliation.

We are all Treaty people

Robert Bell declared a conflict of pecuniary interest as he has a home listed for sale in the surrounding area 

Robert Bell declared a conflict of pecuniary interest as he owns stocks within the CPKC rail network (Canadian Pacific)

  • Robert Bell declared a conflict on this item. (Robert Bell declared a conflict of pecuniary interest as he has a home listed for sale in the surrounding area ;)

Connor Leherbauer, Senior Planner, provided a presentation concerning the Integrated Major Transit Station Area Study for Central Oshawa.

The Committee questioned Connor. 

  • Moved by: Sarah Smale

    That the meeting recess for five minutes.

    Motion Carried

    The meeting recessed at 6:58 p.m. and reconvened at 7:03 p.m. with all members in attendance in the Committee Meeting Room except Jennifer Weymark and Patty Davis who participated electronically, and Nadim Lalani and Councillor Lee who was absent.

Laura Moebs, Principal Planner, provided a presentation concerning the Oshawa Official Plan Review

The Committee questioned Laura. 

  • Moved byRobert Bell

    That based on the presentation from Planning Services concerning the Oshawa Official Plan Review, the Official Plan recognize and give weight to the cultural heritage and the economic contributions of heritage including built heritage and cultural heritage landscapes

    Motion Carried

Harrison Whilsmith, Planner A, provided a presentation concerning the Committee of Adjustment application at 58 Riverside Drive North, located adjacent to 46 Riverside Drive North, a property designated under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act.

The Committee questioned Harrison.

  • Moved byRobert Bell

    That the delegation be heard

    Motion Carried

Clinton Dochuk provided a delegation to Heritage Oshawa concerning Report HTG-24-27 regarding the Committee of Adjustment Application at 58 Riverside Drive North – Located adjacent to 46 Riverside Drive North designated under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act.

The Committee questioned Clinton. 

  • Moved byRobert Bell

    That based on Report HTG-24-27 concerning the Committee of Adjustment Application at 58 Riverside Drive North – Located adjacent to 46 Riverside Drive North designated under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, the potential impact on the adjacent designated property has been examined and Heritage Oshawa has no objection to the application with the inclusion of the drainage soak pit/dry well. 

    Motion Carried
  • Moved byJohn O'Boyle

    That Report HTG-24-28 dated April 19, 2024, concerning the Q1 update of Heritage Oshawa’s 2024 Budget and Work Plan, be received for information.

    Motion Carried
  • Robert Bell declared a conflict on this item. (Robert Bell declared a conflict of pecuniary interest as he owns stocks within the CPKC rail network (Canadian Pacific))
  • Moved byJohn O'Boyle

    That Heritage Oshawa create a Working Group to review the scope of work concerning the Albert Street Bridge and the Farewell Street Multi-Use Bridge and provide a report at the next meeting; and,

    That Diane Stephen, John Boyle and James Bountrogiannis be appointed to the Working Group; and,

    That John Boyle be appointed as Chair of the Working Group. 

    Motion Carried
  • Moved byJohn O'Boyle

    That the meeting adjourn at 8:05 p.m.

    Motion Carried
No Item Selected