Oshawa Accessibility Advisory Committee


Committee Room
  • Dorothy McFarlane, Chair
  • Gino Vendetti, Vice-Chair
  • Amit Arora
  • Adeel Haq
  • Shanjay Kailayanathan
  • Lisa Knowlton
  • Julia McCrea
  • Councillor McConkey
  • Anagha Sumant
Also Present:
  • J. Lane, Council-Committee Coordinator
  • K. Christopher, Council-Committee Coordinator
  • L. Lawson, Accessibility Program Coordinator
  • R. Garey, Director, Facilities Management Services
  • A. Kennedy, Parks Landscape Architect
  • S. Wouters, Manager Capital & Technical Services

The Chair called the meeting to order and stated that all members of the Oshawa Accessibility Advisory Committee were in attendance in the Committee Room except Amit Arora, Adeel Haq, Shanjay Kailayanathan, Julie McCrea and Gino Vendetti who were participating electronically and Anagha Sumant who was absent.

The City of Oshawa is situated on lands within the traditional and treaty territory of the Michi Saagiig and Chippewa Anishinaabeg and the signatories of the Williams Treaties, which include the Mississaugas of Scugog Island, Curve Lake, Hiawatha and Alderville First Nations, and the Chippewas of Georgina Island, Rama and Beausoleil First Nations.

We are grateful for the Anishinaabeg who have cared for the land and waters within this territory since time immemorial.

We recognize that Oshawa is steeped in rich Indigenous history and is now present day home to many First Nations, Inuit and Métis people. We express gratitude for this diverse group of Indigenous Peoples who continue to care for the land and shape and strengthen our community.

As a municipality, we are committed to understanding the truth of our shared history, acknowledging our role in addressing the negative impacts that colonization continues to have on Indigenous Peoples, developing reciprocal relationships, and taking meaningful action toward reconciliation.

We are all Treaty people.

Michael Binetti, Transit Supervisor, Durham Region Transit provided a presentation concerning bus stop placement and spacing.

Members of the Committee questioned Michael Binetti. 

Sophia Wouters, Manager, Capital and Technical Services provided a presentation concerning the Harmony Creek Trail Extension.

Members of the Committee questioned the Manager, Capital and Technical Services.

  • Moved byCouncillor McConkey

    That the Oshawa Accessibility Advisory Committee recommend to the Safety and Facilities Services Committee:

    1. That Parks Planning and Development staff bring back the Harmony Creek Trail Extension presentation to the next O.A.A.C. meeting with more comprehensive details on the Trails' accessibility design guidelines; and,
    2. That the presentation report be in an accessible format.
    Motion Carried

Alyson Kennedy, Associate Landscape Architect provided a presentation concerning the Medallion Parkette located north of Conlin Road East, west of Coppermine Street and east of Harmony Road North. 

Members of the Committee questioned the Associate Landscape Architect.

Alyson Kennedy, Associate Landscape Architect provided a presentation concerning Everglades Park Redevelopment located at 365 Pompano Court.

Members of the Committee questioned the Associate Landscape Architect.

  • Moved byLisa Knowlton

    That Item OAAC-24-27 concerning Snow Placement Zones be deferred to the end of the meeting.

    Motion Carried
  • Moved byJ. McCrea

    That based on Correspondence OAAC-24-30 from the Region of Durham inviting nominations for the 2024 Region of Durham Accessibility Awards, the Oshawa Accessibility Advisory Committee recommends that Katherine Bremner be nominated for this award based on her contributions in promoting the StopGap and Volt Accessible Hockey programs. 

    Motion Carried
  • Moved byCouncillor McConkey

    That Report OAAC-24-29 dated June 13, 2024, concerning Information from Oshawa City Council from its meeting of May 27, 2024 be received for information.

    Motion Carried

    Shanjay Kailayanathan left the meeting at 8:55 p.m.

  • Moved byGino Vendetti

    That based on Report OAAC-24-31 being the StopGap Portable Ramp Pilot Program Working Group Report for June 2024:

    1. That the StopGap Ramp Working Group be thanked for promoting the pilot program; and,
    2. That the working group be dissolved.
    Motion Carried
  • Moved byLisa Knowlton

    That based on Report OAAC-24-32 being the Eighth Report of the BUILT Environment Subcommittee dated June 13, 2024:

    1. That Item 1 concerning larger scale site plan drawings be endorsed; and,
    2. That Items 2 and 3 concerning site plan applications for lands at 374 Farewell Street and 710 Raleigh Avenue respectively, be received for information.
    Motion Carried
  • Moved byCouncillor McConkey

    Whereas at the April 29, 2024 City Council meeting, the following motion (previously OAAC-24-15) was referred to the Oshawa Accessibility Committee for further clarification:

    "That Snow Placement Zones be clearly indicated on all site plans for multi-residential projects, including long term care homes, schools and senior residential buildings; and,

    That the Snow Placement Zones not be located within proximity to designated accessible parking spaces."; and,

    Whereas Snow Placement Zones were not indicated on the site plans reviewed by the Built Environment Subcommittee at its June 13, 2024 meeting,

    Therefore the Oshawa Accessibility Advisory Committee recommend to the Community and Operations Services Committee:

    1. That the City of Oshawa Parking By-law be amended to ensure the facility snow placement in multi-residential projects, long-term care homes, schools and seniors residential buildings not interfere with parking in an accessible parking space; and,
    2. That City Municipal By-law staff ensure enforcement.


    Motion Carried
  • Moved byLisa Knowlton

    That the meeting adjourn at 9:15 p.m.

    Motion Carried