Community and Operations Services

Committee Minutes

Council Chamber
  • Councillor Gray
  • Councillor Lee
  • Councillor Chapman
  • Councillor Neal
  • Councillor Nicholson
  • Mayor Carter
Also Present:
  • Councillor Kerr
  • Councillor McConkey
  • K. Christopher, Council-Committee Coordinator
  • P. Aguilera, Council-Committee Coordinator
  • K. Alexander, Commissioner, Community and Operations Services
  • B. Mullen, Director, Community Support Services
  • S. Gray-McQuat, Manager, Centralized Recreation Services
  • B. Browne, Manager, Programs
  • J. Bartley, Manager, Municipal Parking and Cemetery
  • L. Davis, Manager, Legislative Services/Deputy City Clerk

Councillor Gray called the meeting to order and stated that all members of the Committee were participating from the Chamber except Councillor Neal who participated electronically. Also present was Councillor Giberson and Councillor Kerr who participated from the Chamber and Councillor McConkey who participated electronically. 

The City of Oshawa sits on treaty land that is steeped in rich Indigenous history and is the present day home to many First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples. We acknowledge that we live and work on land covered under the Williams Treaties, and the traditional territories of the Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nation.

We acknowledge this land out of respect for the many Indigenous nations who have cared for the lands and waters from the beginning of time and still do so today. We extend our gratitude and appreciation for the opportunity to live and work on this territory.

We are committed to understanding the truth of our shared history, confronting our past and present, and building a better future together in true reconciliation.

We are all Treaty people.   

Councillor Neal made a declaration of interesting concerning Report CO-24-56 regarding the Future Use of the Bocce Courts at Radio Park as he sits on the Board of Directors for the Oshawa Senior Citizens Centre (OSCC55+  and did not take part in discussion or voting on the matter. 

  • Moved byCouncillor Nicholson

    That all items listed under the heading Public Consent Agenda for the November 18, 2024 Community and Operations Services Committee meeting be adopted as recommended except for Reports CO-24-54, CO-24-55, CO-24-56 and CO-24-57.

  • That the Community and Operations Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    Whereas  the City of Oshawa has had a long-standing partnership with the Friends of Second Marsh (“F.S.M.”) who offer education, interpretation and stewardship programs related to Oshawa Second Marsh and McLaughlin Bay Wildlife Reserve; and,

    Whereas on January 19, 2023, City Council directed the Commissioner of Community and Operations Services to enter into and execute a service agreement to reflect Council’s approval of $42,200 as interim funding to F.S.M. out of the 2023 Operating Budget, as well as in-kind services such as office space (“2023 Service Agreement”); and,

    Whereas on December 11, 2023, pursuant to CNCL-23-130, City Council directed that the 2023 Service Agreement between the City and F.S.M. be extended for a period of four (4) years and that the City’s annual operating budget be established at $0.25 per capita plus any in-kind services as may be appropriate for the F.S.M.; and,

    Whereas consideration of future budget submissions by F.S.M. are subject to staff approval of proposed annual work plans, submission of quarterly progress reports, and completion of prior year commitments; and,

    Whereas in accordance with Council direction, the City entered into a 4-year Service Agreement with F.S.M. dated March 5, 2024, which includes annual funding at $0.25 per capita plus an expansion of in-kind services (office space plus 2 parking spaces), subject to the City’s review and approval of F.S.M.’s annual work plans, submission of quarterly progress reports, and completion of commitments from prior years; and,

    Whereas to date, F.S.M. has successfully met the requirements for submitting quarterly progress reports and has achieved the following for the first three quarters of 2024:

    • Raised $72,865 through membership fees, grants and donations; and,
    • Organized 50 events, including hikes, presentations and stewardship activities engaging over 1,200 participants.

    Therefore, be it resolved that Item CO-24-58 dated November 13, 2024 concerning the obligations to financial contributions related to the agreement with the Friends of Second Marsh be received for information.

  • Moved byCouncillor Neal

    That the Community and Operations Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    Whereas at its meeting of September 23, 2024, through Item CO-24-49, City Council referred correspondence from Matt Bowles, Lovell Holdings Limited, to staff for a report, concerning a request to extend the current parking agreement for up to fifteen (15) parking spaces in the Mary Street Parkade and an additional two (2) parking spaces in Lot 16; and,

    Whereas Lovell Holdings Limited advised that the two (2) additional parking spaces will be required for tenants of their residential units in the 14/16 Simcoe Street South building; and,

    Whereas Lot 16 is located at the Southeast corner of Athol Street and Celina Street; and,

    Whereas Lot 16 has a waitlist of seventy-seven (77) parking space requests for monthly parking permits; and,

    Whereas the Mary Street Parkade is situated on the Northeast corner of King Street and Mary Street which could be considered as a suitable alternative to Lot 16; and,

    Whereas the Mary Street Parkade has a total of 654 parking spaces with 550 parking spaces allocated for monthly parking permits; and,

    Whereas the Mary Street Parkade currently utilizes only 60% or 329 spaces of the 550 spaces allocated for monthly parking permits; and,

    Whereas the monthly parking rate for the Mary Street Parkade is $87.00 plus H.S.T. per parking space per the Fees and Charges By-law 109-2024;

    Therefore, be it resolved that in accordance with Item CO-24-54 dated November 13, 2024;

    1. That the City of Oshawa enter into a licence agreement with Lovell Holdings Limited for a maximum of seventeen (17) parking spaces in the Mary Street Parkade; and,
    2. That the term of the licence agreement be for a period of five (5) years commencing December 1, 2024, and ending November 30, 2029; and,
    3. That Lovell Holdings Limited pay each month the current lot rate applicable for the parking spaces in the Mary Street Parkade as noted in the Fees and Charges By-law 109-2024; and,
    4. That the Commissioner, Community and Operations Services Department be authorized to execute the licence agreement and in a final form and content satisfactory to the Commissioner, Community and Operations Services Department, the Commissioner, Corporate and Finance Services Department and the City Solicitor.
  • Moved byCouncillor Lee

    That the Community and Operations Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    Whereas residents on Burk Street between King Street West and John Street have expressed concerns regarding driver speeds and traffic infiltration since at least 2021, and implementation of periodic Radar Message Board (RMB) placement has only resulted in temporary changes in driver speed behaviours and limited if any temporary effect on volume and infiltration concerns expressed by residents on Burk Street; and,

    Whereas CO-24-55 presents traffic data on Burk Street and volume counts find that the number of southbound trips, originating from King Street, are significantly higher than the number of northbound trips; and,

    Whereas CO-24-55 presents traffic data on Burk Street and, while not reporting a warrant for intervention on Burk Street, provides a table analyzing feasibility and suitability along Burk Street of the various traffic-calming measures found in the Neighbourhood Traffic Management Guide, some of which are identified as potential options; and,

    Therefore, be it resolved that in accordance with the information in CO-24-55:

    1. That staff be directed to investigate intersection conditions at King Street West and Burk Street as they relate to traffic conditions southbound on Burk Street, and staff report back on any traffic safety improvement options, cost and timing; and,
    2. Notwithstanding staff recommendations, that staff be directed to engage with residents on Burk Street between John Street and King Street West for input on possible interventions on the basis of some of the identified potential options in Table 3 in Section 4.6 of the Report and findings from Part 1 of this motion, and that this input be used to report back to the Community and Operations Committee with a potential preferred intervention or interventions.

    Councillor Giberson left the meeting at 9:55 a.m.

  • Councillor Neal declared a conflict on this item. (Councillor Neal made a declaration of interesting concerning Report CO-24-56 regarding the Future Use of the Bocce Courts at Radio Park as he sits on the Board of Directors for the Oshawa Senior Citizens Centre (OSCC55+ ;and did not take part in discussion or voting on the matter. ;)
  • Moved byCouncillor Nicholson

    That the Community and Operations Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    That based on Report CO-24-56 dated November 13, 2024 concerning the future use of the Bocce Courts in Radio Park:

    1. That staff continue to promote and permit the use of the Bocce Courts through the Facility Booking Office; and,
    2. That staff investigate opportunities for Oshawa Senior Community Centres 55+ to utilize the Bocce Courts in Radio Park for recreational programming.
    Affirmative (4)Councillor Chapman, Councillor Gray, Councillor Nicholson, and Councillor Lee
    Conflict (1)Councillor Neal
    Absent (1)Mayor Carter
    Carried (4 to 0)
  • Moved byCouncillor Nicholson

    That the Community and Operations Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    That Report CO-24-57 dated November 13, 2024, concerning the Snow and Ice Clearing from Trails be referred back to staff to follow Council's direction. 

    Affirmative (2)Councillor Gray, and Councillor Nicholson
    Negative (3)Councillor Chapman, Councillor Neal, and Councillor Lee
    Absent (1)Mayor Carter
    Lost (2 to 3)
  • Moved byCouncillor Chapman

    That the Community and Operations Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    That Report CO-24-57 dated November 13, 2024 concerning snow and ice clearing from trails be received for information.

  • Moved byCouncillor Chapman

    THAT the posted speed limit on Central Park Blvd N between Beatrice Street East and the 40 Km/h zone just south of Exeter St be reduced from the current  50 Km/h to 40 Km/h.

  • Moved byCouncillor Chapman

    That the meeting adjourn at 10:24 a.m.

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