That the Economic and Development Services Committee recommend to City Council:
Whereas, Build Up Real Development Co Oshawa Inc. (the “Applicant”) is advancing an application for site plan approval (File: SPA-2022-18) for the lands municipally known as 20 and 24 Beatrice Street West to facilitate the development of six (6) semi-detached dwellings and a twenty (20) unit apartment building (stacked townhouses); and,
Whereas, the Applicant has also submitted an application for a proposed draft plan of subdivision (File: S-O-2023-01) to create three (3) blocks, consisting of one (1) block for the proposed apartment building, one (1) block for the proposed semi-detached dwellings and a road widening block; and,
Whereas, the proposed draft plan of subdivision application was submitted to facilitate a future application for a common elements draft plan of condominium, allowing the future Parcels of Tied Land (P.O.T.L.s) associated with the semi-detached dwellings to be created utilizing the removal of part lot control process; and,
Whereas, a public meeting has not been held for the proposed draft plan of subdivision; and,
Whereas, the Applicant is now proposing to advance the development as a standard condominium instead of the originally proposed common elements condominium, negating the need for the proposed draft plan of subdivision; and,
Whereas, the Applicant has decided to withdraw the draft plan of subdivision application and has requested a 75% refund of the draft plan of subdivision application fees in accordance with the letter forming Attachment 1 to this resolution; and,
Whereas, the City does not have a refund policy for draft plan of subdivision applications; and,
Whereas, the City’s refund policy for zoning by-law amendment applications would permit the refund of 50% of a zoning by-law amendment application fee where an application is withdrawn prior to notification of a public meeting being held;
Therefore, be it resolved that pursuant to Item ED-24-33, dated February 28, 2024, the Director of Planning Services be authorized to refund 50% of the application fees submitted by Build Up Real Development Co Oshawa Inc. for draft plan of subdivision S-O-2023-01.