Whereas the Purchasing By-law, requires Council approval of Professional and Consulting Services contract awards greater than $100,000; and,
Whereas funding has been approved in 2024 budget for project 40-0070 in the amount of $120,000, inclusive of non-rebateable H.S.T. for the Forestry Master Plan; and,
Whereas Procurement issued a Request for Proposal (R.F.P.) C2024-082 for Forestry Master Plan; and,
Whereas two (2) bids were received (publicly posted on the City’s website at Oshawa's Bids and Tenders) and opened by Procurement on September 16, 2024; and,
Whereas proposals were evaluated on qualification, experience, proposal quality, project deliverables, technical response, and price; and,
Whereas the evaluation team unanimously scored the bid received by Kuntz Forestry Consulting Inc. as comprehensive, thorough, addressed all requirements of the R.F.P, is the highest-ranking proponent and best satisfied the City’s requirements; and,
Whereas the proposal received from Kuntz Forestry Consulting Inc. in the amount of $147,808, plus H.S.T. ($150,409 including non-rebateable H.S.T.) for Forestry Master Plan; and,
Whereas, there is a funding shortfall of $30,409, including non-rebateable H.S.T.; and,
Whereas, the additional cost of $30,409 can be funded from the Trees in New Subdivisions Reserve;
Therefore, be it resolved that, pursuant to Item CF-24-71:
- That additional funding of $30,409 be funded from the Trees in New Subdivisions Reserve be approved; and,
- That the Manager, Procurement be authorized to award a contract to Kuntz Forestry Consulting Inc. in the amount of $147,808 plus H.S.T. for C2024-082 Forestry Master Plan.