Community and Operations Services

Committee Minutes

Council Chamber
  • Councillor Gray
  • Councillor Lee
  • Councillor Chapman
  • Councillor Neal
  • Councillor Nicholson
Also Present:
  • Councillor McConkey
  • P. Aguilera, Council-Committee Coordinator
  • J. Lane, Council-Committee Coordinator
  • K. Christopher, Council-Committee Coordinator
  • L. Davis, Manager, Legislative Services/Deputy City Clerk
  • K. Alexander, Commissioner, Community and Operations Department
  • M. Saulnier, Director, Operations
  • B. Mullen, Director, Community Support Services
  • J. Naumovski, Director, Recreation Services
  • S. Gray-McQuat, Manager, Centralized Recreation Services
  • M. Sluggett, Manager, Traffic, Streetlighting and Parking

Councillor Gray called the meeting to order and stated that all members of the Committee were participating from the Chamber except for Councillor Nicholson who was participating electronically. Also present in the Chamber was Councillor McConkey.

The City of Oshawa is situated on lands within the traditional and treaty territory of the Michi Saagiig and Chippewa Anishinaabeg and the signatories of the Williams Treaties, which include the Mississaugas of Scugog Island, Curve Lake, Hiawatha and Alderville First Nations, and the Chippewas of Georgina Island, Rama and Beausoleil First Nations. We are grateful for the Anishinaabeg who have cared for the land and waters within this territory since time immemorial.

We recognize that Oshawa is steeped in rich Indigenous history and is now present day home to many First Nations, Inuit and Métis people. We express gratitude for this diverse group of Indigenous Peoples who continue to care for the land and shape and strengthen our community.

As a municipality, we are committed to understanding the truth of our shared history, acknowledging our role in addressing the negative impacts that colonization continues to have on Indigenous Peoples, developing reciprocal relationships, and taking meaningful action toward reconciliation.

We are all Treaty people.

  • Moved byCouncillor Neal

    That the Rules of Procedure be waived to allow Genevieve Letts to provide a delegation concerning Report CO-24-09 regarding Review of Municipality of Clarington and Town of Whitby Use of Speed Cushions on Rural Roads. (Requires 2/3 vote of Members present)

    Motion Carried
  • Moved byCouncillor Neal

    That the delegation of Genevieve Letts be heard.

    Motion Carried

    Genevieve Letts addressed the Community and Operations Services Committee regarding Report CO-24-09 regarding review of Municipality of Clarington and Town of Whitby use of speed cushions on rural roads.

    Members of the Committee questioned Genevieve Letts.

  • Moved byCouncillor Chapman

    That the Community and Operations Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    That AJ Groen be appointed to make a delegation to Durham Environmental Advisory Committee on behalf of the Oshawa Environmental Advisory Committee with respect to the Road Salt Working Group.

    Motion Carried
  • Moved byCouncillor Nicholson

    That the Community and Operations Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    That pursuant to Report CO-24-08 dated February 7, 2024 concerning the Campus Ice Agreement:

    1. That Council advise Ontario Tech University that the Funding Agreement for the Shared Athletic Facility at Campus Ice Centre will not be renewed; and,
    2. That staff be authorized to notify the City’s minor affiliated clients as per Section 5.5 of this Report that the Funding Agreement for the Shared Athletic Facility at Campus Ice Centre expires on August 31, 2024, and will not be renewed; and,
    3. That staff be authorized to begin the allocation of seasonal ice for the 2024/25 season at City-owned ice pads, including Tribute Communities Centre as per the Ice Allocation Policy; and,
    4. That in accordance with the City’s Ice Allocation Policy, affiliated clients will be required to assume their hours of entitlement at City-owned facilities; and,
    5. That staff continue to work with Ontario Tech University to identify collaboration opportunities that will better serve the Oshawa community.
    Affirmative (4)Councillor Chapman, Councillor Gray, Councillor Nicholson, and Councillor Lee
    Negative (1)Councillor Neal
    Motion Carried (4 to 1)
  • Moved byCouncillor Nicholson

    That the Community and Operations Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    That Report CO-24-09 be referred back to staff to investigate further speed calming measures along Columbus Road West.

    Affirmative (4)Councillor Gray, Councillor Neal, Councillor Nicholson, and Councillor Lee
    Negative (1)Councillor Chapman
    Motion Carried (4 to 1)
  • Moved byCouncillor Neal

    That the Community and Operations Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    That Item CO-24-07 from the Region of Durham concerning the Pilot Curbside Giveaway Event be referred to staff for a report for the next meeting.

    Motion Carried
  • Moved byCouncillor Neal

    That the meeting adjourn at 10:27 a.m.

    Motion Carried
No Item Selected