Community and Operations Services

Committee Minutes

Council Chamber
  • Councillor Gray
  • Councillor Lee
  • Councillor Chapman
  • Mayor Carter
  • Councillor Neal
  • Councillor Nicholson
Also Present:
  • Councillor Kerr
  • Councillor Giberson
  • Councillor Marimpietri
  • Councillor McConkey
  • P. Aguilera, Council-Committee Coordinator
  • Kevin Alexander, Commissioner Community and Operations Services
  • M. Saulnier, Director, Operations
  • B. Mullen, Director, Community Support Services
  • M. Sluggett, Manager, Traffic, Streetlighting and Parking
  • S. Gray-McQuat, Manager, Centralized Recreation Services
  • L. Allin, Supervisor, Business and Customer Service
  • J. Lane, Council-Committee Coordinator
  • L. Davis, Manager, Legislative Services/Deputy City Clerk
  • K. Christopher, Council-Committee Coordinator

Councillor Gray called the meeting to order and stated that all members of the Committee were participating from the Chamber except Councillors Neal and Nicholson who were absent. Also present in the chamber were Councillors Giberson, McConkey, Lee and Marimpietri.

The City of Oshawa is situated on lands within the traditional and treaty territory of the Michi Saagiig and Chippewa Anishinaabeg and the signatories of the Williams Treaties, which include the Mississaugas of Scugog Island, Curve Lake, Hiawatha and Alderville First Nations, and the Chippewas of Georgina Island, Rama and Beausoleil First Nations. We are grateful for the Anishinaabeg who have cared for the land and waters within this territory since time immemorial.

We recognize that Oshawa is steeped in rich Indigenous history and is now present day home to many First Nations, Inuit and Métis people. We express gratitude for this diverse group of Indigenous Peoples who continue to care for the land and shape and strengthen our community.

As a municipality, we are committed to understanding the truth of our shared history, acknowledging our role in addressing the negative impacts that colonization continues to have on Indigenous Peoples, developing reciprocal relationships, and taking meaningful action toward reconciliation.

We are all Treaty people.

  • Moved byCouncillor Lee

    That the Community and Operations Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    That the request contained in Correspondence CO-24-21 from the Region of Durham to lease 50 parking spaces at the Centre Street Parking Garage for a two year term be approved.

    Motion Carried
  • Moved byCouncillor Lee

    That all reports listed under Consent Agenda be approved as recommended except for the following Reports CO-24-23, CO-24-25 and CO-24-26.

    Motion Carried
  • Moved byCouncillor Lee

    That the Community and Operations Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    That based on Correspondence CO-24-22 from Ontario Power Generation dated February 29, 2024, being a request to exercise the second option to extend the current Licence Agreement for the McMillan Street Parkade located at 110 King Street West:

    1. The Agreement be extended for a period of two years commencing September 1, 2024 and ending on August 31, 2026; and,
    2. That the Agreement be in a form and content satisfactory to the Commissioner, Community and Operations Services and the City Solicitor.
    Motion Carried

See Matters Excluded from the Consent Agenda. 

  • Moved byMayor Carter

    That the Community and Operations Services Committee recommend:

    That based on Report CO-24-23 dated April 10, 2024, the Ice Allocation Policy as attached to said report be approved with the following amendment to replace the language in Section 5.2.1:

    “The City will grant affiliated status to any Client who meets the following requirements on an annual basis:

    • A member of a Provincial sport/multi-sport organization.
    • Be In Good Standing with the City of Oshawa.
    • Have a registered membership with a majority of Oshawa Residents or are the main provider of a particular activity or level of play for youth in the City of Oshawa
    • Provide the following documentation to the City:
      • Complete list of participants by level of play in the format prescribed by the City.
      • Executive list.
      • Copy of minutes from Annual General Meeting.
      • Commercial General Liability Insurance for a minimum of two million dollars naming the City of Oshawa as an additional insured.
      • Weekly Prime Time hours permitted at non City-owned Arenas.



    Motion Carried
  • Moved byCouncillor Lee

    That the Community and Operations Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    That, pursuant to Report CO-24-25 dated April 10, 2024, the City of Oshawa not enter into a lease agreement for the Oshawa Clinic Group.

    Motion Carried
  • Moved byCouncillor Lee

    That the Community and Operations Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    1. That staff be directed to proceed with phasing in the implementation of an organics collection program for multi-residential buildings and the development of design standards for new or redeveloped buildings as detailed in Section 5.3.2 of Report CO-24-26 dated April 10, 2024; and,
    2. That Council pass a by-law to further amend the Waste Collection By-law 113-2008, as amended, to allow for the changes in the expanded green bin program as outlined in Report CO-24-26 dated April 10, 2024 and in a form and content acceptable to the Commissioners of Community and Operations Services, Corporate and Finance Services and City Solicitor. 
    Motion Carried
  • That the meeting be adjourned at 10:15 a.m.

    Motion Carried