Oshawa Environmental Advisory

Committee Minutes

Committee Room
  • Valerie Bowler, Chair
  • Lee Buchanan, Vice-Chair
  • Chris Biancaniello
  • A.J. Groen
  • Peter Kanellos
  • Robert Mullins
  • Emily Posteraro
  • Joseph Young
  • Councillor Lee
  • Emily Noel
  • Gregory Waclawek
Also Present:
  • F. Bianchet, Council-Committee Coordinator
  • R. Rossetti, Council-Committee Coordinator
  • B. Morris, Planner A

Trevor and Darryl McCaw, Renewal Squared provided a presentation concerning Oshawa Municipal Textile Recycling.

The Committee questioned Trevor and Darryl McCaw, Renewal Squared.

  • Moved byA.J. Groen

    That the Oshawa Environmental Advisory Committee recommend to the Community and Operations Services Committee:

    That based on the presentation by Renewal Squared, staff investigate the collaboration with Renewal Squared for the implementation of the Municipal Textile Program to implement community-driven clothing collection initiatives.

    Motion Carried

Pidenam Bodjona, Transportation Project Engineer provided a presentation concerning the Stevenson Road North Municipal Class Environmental Study. 

The Committee questioned the Transportation Project Engineer.

  • Moved byRobert Mullins

    That a Stevenson Road North MCEA Working Group be created in order to review the information and report back at the September 5, 2023 meeting of the Oshawa Environmental Advisory Committee; and,

    That the Working Group consist of three members of the Oshawa Environmental Advisory Committee; and,

    That Chris Biancaniello, Robert Mullins, and Valerie Bowler be appointed to the Working Group; and,

    That Robert Mullins be appointed as Chair of the Stevenson Road North MCEA Working Group.

    Motion Carried

Branden Morris, Planner A provided a presentation concerning Stage Two of the Integrated Major Transit Station Area Study for Central Oshawa.

The Committee questioned the Planner A.

  • Moved byRobert Mullins

    That a Mind Your Plastic Working Group be created in order to review the information and report back at the September 5, 2023 meeting of the Oshawa Environmental Advisory Committee; and,

    That the Working Group consist of three members of the Oshawa Environmental Advisory Committee; and,

    That Emily Posteraro, Robert Mullins, and Valerie Bowler be appointed to the Working Group; and,

    That Emily Posteraro be appointed as Chair of the Mind Your Plastic Working Group.

    Motion Carried
  • Moved byLee Buchanan

    That Report OEAC-23-26, dated June 2, 2023 concerning information from Oshawa City Council from its meeting of May 1, 2023 be received for information.

    Motion Carried
  • Moved byLee Buchanan

    That Report OEAC-23-30 dated June 6, 2023 concerning the O.E.A.C. Work Plan update for the second quarter of 2023 be received for information.  

    Motion Carried
  • Moved byLee Buchanan

    That Report OEAC-23-27 dated June 6, 2023 concerning the 2023 O.E.A.C. Budget update be received for information.

    Motion Carried
  • Moved byLee Buchanan

    That based on Report OEAC-23-28 from the Road Salt Working Group:

    1. That the Oshawa Environmental Advisory Committee approve the revised content and design of the road salt awareness postcard; and,
    2. That the road salt awareness postcard be forwarded to the Corporate Communications Department for their review and approval for public distribution. 
    Motion Carried
  • Moved byLee Buchanan

    That based on Report OEAC-23-29 from the Film Night Working Group Report:

    1. That up to $1,500 from the Oshawa Environmental Advisory Committee's annual budget be allocated for the 2023 Fall Film Night event; and,
    2. That City staff coordinate available dates with the Regent Theatre as proposed in the Report; and,
    3. That the Fall Film Night event partner with Durham Region's Fall Community Climate Forum; and,
    4. That the film 'Seaspiracy' be selected for the event.
  • Amendment:
    Moved byRobert Mullins

    That Part 1 of the recommendation be amended to increase the budget allocation to $2,500 for the 2023 Fall Film Night event.

    Motion Carried
  • The vote on the main motion as amended.

    Motion Carried
  • Moved byLee Buchanan

    That Report OEAC-23-31 concerning the Tree Planting Working Group activities for June 2023 be endorsed.

    Motion Carried
  • Moved byA.J. Groen

    That the Oshawa Environmental Advisory Committee register to have an Information Booth at the Canada Day celebration at Lakeview Park; and,

    That A.J. Groen, Chris Biancaniello, Emily Posteraro and Robert Mullins be permitted to attend on behalf of the Oshawa Environmental Advisory Committee. 


    Motion Carried
  • Moved byLee Buchanan

    That the meeting adjourn at 8:51 p.m.

    Motion Carried