That the Corporate and Finance Services Committee recommend to City Council:
Whereas the Town of Whitby is advancing the detailed design of a new and major east-west roadway in South Brooklin between Cochrane Street/Highway 7 and the City of Oshawa West Limits (see Attachment 1); and,
Whereas the Town of Whitby is referring to this new roadway as the Mid-Block Arterial Roadway; and,
Whereas the Town of Whitby has inquired about the City of Oshawa’s interest to participate and collaborate to extend the scope of work including the detailed design for Phase 3 of the Mid-Block Arterial Roadway easterly to Thornton Road, to connect with the Britannia Avenue West Extension; and,
Whereas the Mid-Block Arterial Roadway project is currently divided into the following four phases of construction:
- Phase 1: From Ashburn Road to the future Garden Street Extension;
- Phase 2: From Garden Street Extension to Anderson Street;
- Phase 3: From Anderson Road to the eastern Town of Whitby limit; and,
- Phase 4: From Cochrane Street/Highway 7 to Ashburn Road; Whereas, the Town of Whitby is currently constructing Phase 1, which is anticipated to be completed in early 2025; and,
Whereas the Town of Whitby is currently constructing Phase 1, which is anticipated to be completed in early 2025; and,
Whereas the Town of Whitby is moving forward with the detailed design work for Phase 3 through a Front-Ending Agreement with area developers; and,
Whereas the Town of Whitby is estimating a cost of approximately $2.4 million for the detailed design of Phase 3 of the Mid-Block Arterial Roadway, which is scheduled to start in the first quarter of 2025, with a target completion date of December 2025; and,
Whereas the Town of Whitby is anticipating to commence the Construction of Phase 3 in 2026; and,
Whereas the Mid-Block Arterial Roadway is the westerly connection to Britannia Avenue West in the City of Oshawa; and,
Whereas the Britannia Avenue West extension, approximately 400m from Thornton Road North to the Town of Whitby easterly limit (see Attachment 2), is currently scheduled within the capital program in 2031 as project 73-0484 Britannia Road West from West City Limit to Thornton Road North; and,
Whereas the estimated budget for the detailed design for the Britannia Avenue West extension west of Thornton Road North is approximately $570,000; and,
Whereas there are no approved funds in the 2025 Mayor’s budget for the detailed design of the Britannia Avenue West extension; and,
Whereas collaboration with the Town of Whitby is crucial for advancing the connection of Britannia Avenue West to the Mid-Block Arterial roadway; and,
Whereas the City can take advantage of cost savings through economies of scale by advancing the detailed design for the Britannia Avenue West extension as part of the Town of Whitby’s Phase 3 works for the Mid-Block Arterial Roadway; and,
Whereas the Town of Whitby requires City of Oshawa Council approval and commitment prior to expanding their scope of work of Phase 3 of the Mid-Block Arterial Roadway to include the detailed design for the Britannia Avenue West extension west of Thornton Road North; and,
Whereas currently there are uncommitted funds available in the Transportation Roads D.C. Reserve and the Growth-Related Non-D.C. Reserve Funds;
Therefore be it resolved that based on Report CF-25-20 dated March 3, 2025, concerning the Britannia Avenue West Extension West of Thornton Road North:
- That Council approve the advancement of the detailed design for the Britannia Avenue West extension as part of the Town of Whitby’s Phase 3 works for the Mid-Block Arterial Roadway; and,
- That Council approve the funding of $570,000 to advance the detailed design for the Britannia Avenue West extension as part of the Town of Whitby’s Phase 3 works for the Mid-Block Arterial Roadway, to be funded through a combination of funds from the Transportation Roads D.C. Reserve and the Growth-Related Non-D.C. Reserve Funds.