Corporate and Finance Services Committee


Council Chamber
  • Councillor Giberson
  • Councillor Marks
  • Councillor Marimpietri
  • Councillor McConkey
  • Councillor Neal
  • Mayor Carter
Also Present
  • Councillor Chapman
  • Councillor Lee
  • P. Aguilera, Council-Committee Coordinator
  • K. Christopher, Council-Committee Coordinator
  • S. Sinnott, Commissioner, Corporate and Finance Services
  • J. Martin, Director, Financial Services
  • J. MacIsaac, Director, Diversity, Equity and Reconciliation
  • V. Abban, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer
  • G. Hardy, Director, Engineering Services
  • T. Barker, Manager, Procurement and Accounts Payable
  • C. Leherbauer, Senior Planner

Councillor Giberson called the meeting to order and stated that all members of the Committee were participating from the Chamber except Councillor McConkey who participated electronically. Also present participating from the Chamber were Councillors Lee and Chapman. 

The City of Oshawa is situated on lands within the traditional and treaty territory of the Michi Saagiig and Chippewa Anishinaabeg and the signatories of the Williams Treaties, which include the Mississaugas of Scugog Island, Curve Lake, Hiawatha and Alderville First Nations, and the Chippewas of Georgina Island, Rama and Beausoleil First Nations.

We are grateful for the Anishinaabeg who have cared for the land and waters within this territory since time immemorial.

We recognize that Oshawa is steeped in rich Indigenous history and is now present day home to many First Nations, Inuit and Métis people. We express gratitude for this diverse group of Indigenous Peoples who continue to care for the land and shape and strengthen our community.

As a municipality, we are committed to understanding the truth of our shared history, acknowledging our role in addressing the negative impacts that colonization continues to have on Indigenous Peoples, developing reciprocal relationships, and taking meaningful action toward reconciliation.

We are all Treaty people.

Councillor Neal made a declaration of interest concerning Report CF-24-14 regarding the Contract Award C2024-063 Janitorial Services as he sits on the Board of Directors for the Oshawa Senior Citizens Centre (OSCC55+) and did not take part in discussion or voting on the matter. 

  • Moved byMayor Carter

    That Correspondence CF-25-21 dated February 24, 2025 from Jeff Davis requesting a Comprehensive Legal Services Report, be received for information. 

    Affirmative (4)Mayor Carter, Councillor Giberson, Councillor Marimpietri, and Councillor Marks
    Negative (2)Councillor McConkey, and Councillor Neal
    Carried (4 to 2)
  • Councillor Neal declared a conflict on this item. (Councillor Neal made a declaration of interest concerning Report CF-24-14 regarding the Contract Award C2024-063 Janitorial Services as he sits on the Board of Directors for the Oshawa Senior Citizens Centre (OSCC55+) and did not take part in discussion or voting on the matter. ;)
  • Moved byCouncillor Marks

    That the Corporate and Finance Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    Whereas the Purchasing By-Law 80-2020 requires Council approval to award contracts greater than $2,000,000; and,

    Whereas Procurement issued Request for Tender (R.F.T.) C2024-063 for Janitorial Services for an initial one-year term, with the option to extend for an additional four (4) one-year terms, subject to favourable service and pricing; and,

    Whereas the R.F.T. allowed for the contract to be awarded in whole or part (by City Facilities, Recreation Facilities, and Seniors Facilities) based on the best overall value for the City; and,

    Whereas twenty-nine (29) bids were received (publicly posted on the City’s website at Oshawa's Bids and Tenders) and opened by Procurement on December 12, 2024; and,

    Whereas the bid received from Clean Crysta Services Inc. in the annual amount of $502,328 plus H.S.T. (City Facilities $205,748 and Recreation Facilities $296,580) is the lowest complaint bidder for City and Recreation Facilities and meets the requirements of the tender; and,

    Whereas the bid received from Corporate Mirror Inc. in the annual amount of $44,736 is the lowest complaint bidder for Seniors Facilities and meets the requirements of the tender; and,

    Therefore, be it resolved that based on Item CF-25-14:

    1. That the Manager, Procurement be authorized to award contracts to Clean Crysta Services Inc. and Corporate Mirror Inc. in the amount of $502,328 and $44,736 respectively, plus H.S.T. for C2024-063 Janitorial Services; and,
    2. That the Manager, Procurement be authorized to extend the contract an additional four (4) one-year terms, subject to favourable service and pricing.
    Conflict (1)Councillor Neal
  • Moved byCouncillor McConkey

    That the Corporate and Finance Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    Whereas the Purchasing By-law, requires Council approval of Professional and Consulting Services contract awards greater than $100,000; and,
    Whereas funding has been approved in 2025 for Project 40-0009 Official Plan Review in the amount of $450,000, inclusive of non-rebateable H.S.T.; and,

    Whereas Report ED-24-113 directed staff to issue a Request for Proposal to undertake the Growth Management Study component of the Official Plan Review; and

    Whereas Procurement issued a Request for Proposal (R.F.P.) C2024-115 for Growth Management Study Consultant; and,

    Whereas two (2) bids were received (publicly posted on the City’s website at Oshawa's Bids and Tenders) and opened by Procurement on January 28, 2025; and,
    Whereas proposals were evaluated on qualification, experience, proposal quality, project deliverables, technical response, and price; and,

    Whereas the evaluation team unanimously scored the bid received by Watson & Associates Economists Ltd. as comprehensive, thorough, addressed all requirements of the R.F.P, is the highest-ranking proponent and best satisfied the City’s requirements; and,

    Whereas the proposal received from Watson & Associates Economists Ltd. in the amount of $399,200 plus H.S.T. ($406,226 including non-rebateable H.S.T.) for Growth Management Study Consultant;

    Therefore be it resolved that based on Item CF-25-15, the Manager, Procurement award a contract to Watson & Associates Economists Ltd. in the estimated amount of $399,200 excluding H.S.T. for C2024-115 for Growth Management Study Consultant.

  • Moved byCouncillor Marks

    That the Corporate and Finance Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    That based on Report CF-25-16 dated February 26, 2025, the Oshawa Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Champions Awards program be approved.

  • Moved byCouncillor McConkey

    That Report CF-25-17 concerning Additional Funding for Project- C2022-006 Central Oshawa Major Transit Station Area Plan be referred back to staff. 

  • Moved byCouncillor McConkey

    That the motion to refer back to staff be withdrawn. 

  • Moved byCouncillor McConkey

    That the Corporate and Finance Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    Whereas in 2021 Council approved project 40-0057 Mobility Hub Transportation and Land Use Study and project 73-0459 for Central Oshawa Hub Infrastructure Improvements in the amounts of $175,000 and $358,000 respectively, for a total amount of $533,000, including non-rebateable H.S.T.; and,

    Whereas Procurement issued Request for Proposal (R.F.P.) C2022-006 Central Oshawa Major Transit Station Area Plan; and, Whereas on March 28, 2022, Council approved Report FIN-22-31 to award a contract to Parsons Inc. (Parsons), as well as additional funding of $123,865 including non-rebateable H.S.T., to complete the Integrated Major Transit Station Area Study for Central Oshawa (the “Integrated M.T.S.A. Study”); and,

    Whereas the total approved budget of $656,865 has been committed for the planned scope of work; and,

    Whereas on June 24, 2024, Council approved Report ED-24-72 and directed staff to expand the scope of work with Parsons for a transit priority investigation, resulting in further design updates, additional stakeholder engagement, and project extension; and,

    Whereas the provincial Ministry of Natural Resources has unexpectedly required Parsons to complete an Air Quality Assessment for the First Avenue and McNaughton Avenue Environmental Assessment component of the Integrated M.T.S.A. Study; and,

    Whereas the additional scope of work and assessment represents an additional cost of $63,681 including non-rebateable H.S.T.; and, Whereas Finance Services has confirmed that the additional cost of $63,681 including non-rebateable H.S.T. can be funded from the Transportation Development Charges Reserve Fund and the Growth-Related Non-DC Reserve;

    Therefore be it resolved that based on Item CF-25-17, an additional $63,681 including non- rebateable H.S.T., be funded from the Transportation Development Charges Reserve Fund and the Growth-Related Non-DC Reserve be approved.

  • Moved byCouncillor McConkey

    That the Corporate and Finance Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    That Report CF-25-19 dated March 2025 being the Corporate and Finance Services Committee Outstanding Items Status Report for the First Quarter of 2025, be received for information.

  • Moved byCouncillor McConkey

    That the Corporate and Finance Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    Whereas the Town of Whitby is advancing the detailed design of a new and major east-west roadway in South Brooklin between Cochrane Street/Highway 7 and the City of Oshawa West Limits (see Attachment 1); and,

    Whereas the Town of Whitby is referring to this new roadway as the Mid-Block Arterial Roadway; and,

    Whereas the Town of Whitby has inquired about the City of Oshawa’s interest to participate and collaborate to extend the scope of work including the detailed design for Phase 3 of the Mid-Block Arterial Roadway easterly to Thornton Road, to connect with the Britannia Avenue West Extension; and,

    Whereas the Mid-Block Arterial Roadway project is currently divided into the following four phases of construction:

    • Phase 1: From Ashburn Road to the future Garden Street Extension;
    • Phase 2: From Garden Street Extension to Anderson Street;
    • Phase 3: From Anderson Road to the eastern Town of Whitby limit; and,
    • Phase 4: From Cochrane Street/Highway 7 to Ashburn Road; Whereas, the Town of Whitby is currently constructing Phase 1, which is anticipated to be completed in early 2025; and,

    Whereas the Town of Whitby is currently constructing Phase 1, which is anticipated to be completed in early 2025; and,

    Whereas the Town of Whitby is moving forward with the detailed design work for Phase 3 through a Front-Ending Agreement with area developers; and,

    Whereas the Town of Whitby is estimating a cost of approximately $2.4 million for the detailed design of Phase 3 of the Mid-Block Arterial Roadway, which is scheduled to start in the first quarter of 2025, with a target completion date of December 2025; and,

    Whereas the Town of Whitby is anticipating to commence the Construction of Phase 3 in 2026; and,

    Whereas the Mid-Block Arterial Roadway is the westerly connection to Britannia Avenue West in the City of Oshawa; and,

    Whereas the Britannia Avenue West extension, approximately 400m from Thornton Road North to the Town of Whitby easterly limit (see Attachment 2), is currently scheduled within the capital program in 2031 as project 73-0484 Britannia Road West from West City Limit to Thornton Road North; and,

    Whereas the estimated budget for the detailed design for the Britannia Avenue West extension west of Thornton Road North is approximately $570,000; and,

    Whereas there are no approved funds in the 2025 Mayor’s budget for the detailed design of the Britannia Avenue West extension; and,

    Whereas collaboration with the Town of Whitby is crucial for advancing the connection of Britannia Avenue West to the Mid-Block Arterial roadway; and,

    Whereas the City can take advantage of cost savings through economies of scale by advancing the detailed design for the Britannia Avenue West extension as part of the Town of Whitby’s Phase 3 works for the Mid-Block Arterial Roadway; and,

    Whereas the Town of Whitby requires City of Oshawa Council approval and commitment prior to expanding their scope of work of Phase 3 of the Mid-Block Arterial Roadway to include the detailed design for the Britannia Avenue West extension west of Thornton Road North; and,

    Whereas currently there are uncommitted funds available in the Transportation Roads D.C. Reserve and the Growth-Related Non-D.C. Reserve Funds;

    Therefore be it resolved that based on Report CF-25-20 dated March 3, 2025, concerning the Britannia Avenue West Extension West of Thornton Road North:

    1. That Council approve the advancement of the detailed design for the Britannia Avenue West extension as part of the Town of Whitby’s Phase 3 works for the Mid-Block Arterial Roadway; and,
    2. That Council approve the funding of $570,000 to advance the detailed design for the Britannia Avenue West extension as part of the Town of Whitby’s Phase 3 works for the Mid-Block Arterial Roadway, to be funded through a combination of funds from the Transportation Roads D.C. Reserve and the Growth-Related Non-D.C. Reserve Funds.
  • Moved byCouncillor McConkey

    Whereas the Canadian Chamber of Commerce the top 15 cities across southwestern Ontario as the most vulnerable to U.S. President Trump’s planned new tariffs;

    Therefore, staff report to committee and council of details of the City of Oshawa being negatively impacted and what potential actions can be taken to ameliorate negative impacts

    This motion was ruled out of order by the Chair.

  • Moved byCouncillor Marimpietri

    That the meeting adjourn at 10:20 a.m.

No Item Selected