Corporate and Finance Services Committee Meeting Agenda

Council Chamber

Members of the Committee:

Councillor Giberson, Chair

Councillor Marks, Vice-Chair

Councillor Marimpietri

Councillor McConkey

Councillor Neal

Mayor Carter, Ex Officio


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The City of Oshawa is situated on lands within the traditional and treaty territory of the Michi Saagiig and Chippewa Anishinaabeg and the signatories of the Williams Treaties, which include the Mississaugas of Scugog Island, Curve Lake, Hiawatha and Alderville First Nations, and the Chippewas of Georgina Island, Rama and Beausoleil First Nations.

We are grateful for the Anishinaabeg who have cared for the land and waters within this territory since time immemorial.

We recognize that Oshawa is steeped in rich Indigenous history and is now present day home to many First Nations, Inuit and Métis people. We express gratitude for this diverse group of Indigenous Peoples who continue to care for the land and shape and strengthen our community.

As a municipality, we are committed to understanding the truth of our shared history, acknowledging our role in addressing the negative impacts that colonization continues to have on Indigenous Peoples, developing reciprocal relationships, and taking meaningful action toward reconciliation.

We are all Treaty people.

(As may be presented at the meeting)

(As may be presented by Committee Members)

Steve Stewart, Deloitte LLP to provide a presentation concerning Report CF-24-46 regarding the 2023 Audited Consolidated Financial Statements.

(See memo and report released on May 22, 2024 - Pages 1 to 139)

  • Recommendation

    That the Corporate and Finance Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    That pursuant to Report CF-24-44 dated May 22, 2024, the Oshawa Asset Management Plan – Phase II: Non-core Assets be endorsed.

  • Recommendation

    That the Corporate and Finance Services Committee recommend to City Council:

  • Recommendation

    Whereas the Purchasing By-Law 80-2020 requires Council approval to award contracts greater than $2,000,000; and,

    Whereas Council approved CF-23-93, to issue a Request for Proposal (R.F.P.) in 2024 to secure Benefit Provider(s) for services commencing in 2025; and,

    Whereas the benefit plan designs will remain the same; and,

    Whereas the overall cost of the employee group benefit plan contracted through external benefits providers is made up of premiums for the experience rated benefits, namely Group Life, L.T.D., and A.S.O. expenses (Extended Health and Dental); and,

    Whereas Procurement issued R.F.P. C2024-024 Benefits Providers(s) for an initial five (5) year term, with the option to extend for an additional five (5) year term, subject to favourable service and pricing; and,

    Whereas the R.F.P. allowed for the contract to be awarded in whole or part (by Life/L.T.D., and Health/Dental) based on the best overall value for the City; and,

    Whereas Proponents do not have any control over the cost of the paid A.S.O. claims and these costs are determined by the plan design and would be the same for all benefit proponents; and,

    Whereas three (3) bids were received and opened by Procurement on March 25, 2024; and,

    Whereas bids received are publicly posted on the City website at Oshawa's Bids and Tenders; and,

    Whereas proposals were evaluated on qualification, experience, plan management, deliverables, and pricing; and,

    Whereas the evaluation team unanimously scored the proposal received by Sun Life as comprehensive, thorough, addressed all requirements of the R.F.P. is the highest-ranking proponent and best satisfied the City’s requirements; and,

    Whereas the proposal received from Sun Life in the annual amount of approximately $2.3 million ($11.6 million over 5 years not including the cost of the A.S.O. claims, as these amounts will vary based on usage) for an initial 5 year term, plus H.S.T.; and,

    Whereas the funds are provided in the annual operating budget;

    Therefore, be it resolved that, pursuant to Item CF-24-41:

    1. That the Manager, Procurement be authorized to award a contract to Sun Life in the amount of $11,563,000 plus H.S.T. for C2024-024 Benefits Provider(s); and,
    2. That the Manager, Procurement be authorized to extend the contract an additional five (5) year term, subject to favourable service and pricing
  • Recommendation

    That the Corporate and Finance Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    Whereas the Purchasing By-law requires Council approval of Professional and Consulting Services contract awards greater than $100,000; and,

    Whereas funding has been approved in 2024 for Project 10-0086 in the amount of $200,000 including non-rebateable H.S.T. for the Net Zero Emission Strategy Assessments; and,

    Whereas Procurement issued a Request for Proposal (R.F.P.) C2024-034 for Deep Energy Retrofit Feasibility Study; and,

    Whereas eleven (11) bids were received (publicly posted on the City’s website at Oshawa's Bids and Tenders) and opened by Procurement on April 15, 2024; and,

    Whereas proposals were evaluated on qualifications, experience, proposal quality, project deliverables, technical response and pricing; and,

    Whereas the evaluation team unanimously scored the bid received by WF Group Inc. as comprehensive, thorough, addressed all requirements of the R.F.P, is the highest-ranking proponent and best satisfied the City’s requirements; and,

    Whereas the proposal received from WF Group Inc. in the amount of $131,750, plus H.S.T. ($134,069 including non-rebateable H.S.T.);

    Therefore, be it resolved that pursuant to Item CF-24-42, that the Manager, Procurement, be authorized to award a contract to WF Group Inc. in the amount of $131,750 plus H.S.T., for the Deep Energy Retrofit Feasibility Study.

  • Recommendation

    That the Corporate and Finance Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    1. That the Manager, Procurement be authorized to award contracts, as detailed in Report CF-24-43 dated May 29, 2024, being the low compliant bids meeting specifications as follows:
      1. Request for Tender (R.F.T.) C2024-050 Microsoft Surfaces & Accessories to Nova Networks, in the amount of $266,800 excluding all taxes (leasing company Macquarie Equipment Finance Ltd. to pay equipment supplier directly);
      2. Request for Tender (R.F.T.) C2024-052 Computer Equipment to CDW Canada Corp., in the amount of $383,720 excluding all taxes (leasing company Macquarie Equipment Finance Ltd. to pay equipment supplier directly);
    2. That additional funding of $30,000 excluding all taxes be made available from the Information Technology Reserve to cover other miscellaneous components as required for the computer hardware rollout; and,
    3. That pursuant to the requirements of Ontario Regulation 46/94, the Treasurer of the Regional Municipality of Durham be advised that the City will be entering into a financing lease with Macquarie Equipment Finance Ltd. on the terms stated in Report CF-24-43.
  • Recommendation

    That the Corporate and Finance Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    That pursuant to Report CF-24-45 dated May 29, 2024, the Oshawa Strategic Asset Management Policy be endorsed.

  • Recommendation

    That the Corporate and Finance Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    1. That the Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2023 attached to Report CF-24-46 be approved; and
    2. That notice of the availability of the financial statements through the City’s website or upon request through Service Oshawa; and
    3. That the Financial Statements be forwarded to appropriate stakeholders including the Province of Ontario and the City’s banking institution.
  • Recommendation

    That the Corporate and Finance Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    Whereas Purchasing By-Law 80-2020 requires Council approval to award single source contracts greater than $100,000; and,

    Whereas the City currently utilizes Customer Relationship Management (C.R.M.) software to maintain customer inquiries, complaints, and service requests; and,

    Whereas the current C.R.M. software is dated technology and unsupported at the end of 2024; and,

    Whereas it is prudent and best practice that technology is kept current and up-to-date to enhance customer services; and,

    Whereas E.M.A. Canada Inc./Lagan Technologies Inc. (now known as Verint Americas Inc.) was the successful proponent to R.F.P. C1176-06 Customer Relationship Management Software when it was initially implemented in 2007; and,

    Whereas after review of the supplier landscape, it is in the City’s best interest to upgrade and migrate to the latest C.R.M. offering through the existing supplier Verint Americas Inc.; and,

    Whereas the main benefits of single sourcing are overall cost, ease of migration and reduced onboarding costs; and,

    Whereas Verint Americas Inc. quote of $756,594 is for an initial 36 months term that includes implementation, licensing and support of the Customer Relationship Management Software; and,

    Whereas funding has been approved in 2024 for Project 30-0035 Customer Relationship Management Software in the amount of $600,000 (including non-rebateable H.S.T.) will cover the implementation fees and first year licensing and support; and,

    Whereas future annual licensing and support fees will be budgeted through Information Technology Services Corporate Technology account;

    Therefore be it resolved that pursuant to Item CF-24-47:

    1. That the Manager, Procurement be authorized to award a single source contract to Verint Americas Inc. for Customer Relationship Management Software; and,
    2. That the Manager, Procurement be authorized to extend this contract to cover additional features/upgrades, annual licensing and support services for future years, subject to budget approval, satisfactory performance, and pricing.
  • Recommendation

    That the Corporate and Finance Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    Whereas Project 30-0099 Fire CAD Dispatch System Replacement & Next Generation 911 (NG-911), approved in the 2023 capital budget, includes the relocation of Oshawa Fire Dispatch communication and technology systems to the Consolidated Operations Depot; and,

    Whereas Procurement issued R.F.P. C2023-115A Data Centre Retrofit and Micon Group, operating as DDMac Electric, was the successful proponent to complete the physical renovation of the data center suite to support the need of the NG-911 and fire dispatch operations services; and,

    Whereas the NG-911 dispatch center is not able to be without power, additional feeds and transfer switches are required to provide an electrical maintenance bypass system to ensure both street or generator power can service dispatch operations in the event the C.O.D. primary electrical switch gear requires maintenance or of primary switch disruption; and,

    Whereas the scope of Project 30-0099 did not include the unknown requirement for electrical upgrades as it was not discovered until work began for the data center build; and,

    Whereas DDMac Electric has provided a quote to complete the necessary work in the amount of $255,160 excluding H.S.T. ($259,651 including non-rebateable H.S.T.); and,

    Whereas the additional cost of $259,651 can be funded from the Infrastructure Reserve;

    Therefore be it resolved that pursuant to Item CF-24-48 the additional funding of $259,651 be funded from the Infrastructure Reserve be approved.

  • Recommendation

    That the Corporate and Finance Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    Whereas Purchasing By-Law 80-2020 requires Council approval to award single sourcing of professional & consulting services contract greater than $50,000; and,

    Whereas the City currently utilizes Microsoft 365 platform to create, manage and share information assets; and,

    Whereas the City requires professional services to support the configuration of the City’s existing Microsoft 365 SharePoint solution for the purposes of an electronic document and records management system pilot; and,

    Whereas funding has been approved in 2023 for Project 30-0115 Corporate Data Program in the amount of $240,000 (including non-rebateable H.S.T.); and,

    Whereas StoneShare Inc. is a specialized municipal SharePoint solutions expert focusing on creating best-practice-based solutions, ready-to-use electronic document and records management project accelerators, and tailored managed service options for municipalities; and,

    Whereas StoneShare Inc. has implemented SharePoint in approx. 49 municipalities; and,

    Whereas StoneShare Inc. quote of $99,000 plus H.S.T. includes design, configuration, content migration, validation, and training; and,

    Therefore be it resolved that pursuant to Item CF-24-49:

    1. That the Manager, Procurement be authorized to award a single source contract to Stone Share Inc. in the amount of $99,000 plus H.S.T., for SharePoint Pilot Implementation Services, funded from project 30-0115 Corporate Data Program; and,
    2. That the Manager, Procurement be authorized to extend this contract for future implementation, subject to budget approval, satisfactory performance, and pricing.
  • Recommendation

    That the Corporate and Finance Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    1. Whereas the 2024 Budget is now deemed adopted and information related to the 2023 Budget would be irrelevant at this time; and,
      Whereas the Budget page on the City’s website currently provides plain language information regarding the 2024 City Budget including how tax dollars are spent, budget and accounting definitions, a budget overview as well as the complete approved budget; and,
      Whereas the preparation of separate infographics is costly and time consuming for staff who are currently preparing the 2025 budget submission;
      Therefore Item 10 of the Corporate and Finance Services Committee’s Outstanding Items List related to an online 2023 Budget Highlights document be removed from the Outstanding Items List.

    2. Whereas staff reported back on Item FIN-22-94 on May 1, 2023 with respect to a specific request for waiving of fees through Item CF-23-28; and,
      Whereas part of Item CF-23-28 directed staff to execute an agreement to continue to waive such fees for a term of five years,
      Therefore Item 2 of the Corporate and Finance Services Committee’s Outstanding Items List related to the Durham Catholic District School Board’s request to waive user fees be removed from the Outstanding Items List.

    3. That the remainder of Report CF-24-50 dated May 29, 2024 being the Corporate and Finance Services Committee's Outstanding Items Status Report for the second quarter of 2024 be received for information.
  • Recommendation

    That the Corporate and Finance Services Committee recommend to City Council:

    Whereas at its meeting of October 20, 2020, Council approved the implementation of the Municipal Accommodation Tax (“M.A.T.”) and passed related By-law 93-2020 to implement the M.A.T.; and,

    Whereas By-law 93-2020 Section 2 sets the M.A.T. rate at four (4) per cent of the Purchase Price of Accommodation provided for a continuous period of 30 days or less; and,

    Whereas it is recommended that effective October 1, 2024, the M.A.T. rate be increased to five (5) per cent of the Purchase Price of Accommodation provided for a continuous period of 30 days or less; and,

    Whereas the amended M.A.T. rate will result in increased revenues of approximately $150,000 and,

    Whereas By-law 93-2020 Section 9 establishes the Provider shall provide and remit monthly statements to the Treasurer; and,

    Whereas accommodation related to bed and breakfast and short-term rental providers should be expected to provide and remit quarterly rather than monthly statements; and,

    Whereas Section 9 of the By-law would need to be amended to allow bed and breakfast and short-term rental providers the ability to remit quarterly rather than monthly statements; and,

    Whereas the Agreement between the City and the Greater Oshawa Chamber of Commerce requires the Chamber to submit a written report to the City annually to provide the particulars of activities engaged in, a description of key performance indicators to measure outcomes, and other such information may be reasonably requested by the City; and,

    Whereas the Annual report from the Chamber will form part of an open public record; and,

    Whereas the Chamber has provided the City with their 2023 Annual Report which forms Attachment 2 to this report, as information;

    Therefore be it resolved that pursuant to Report CF-24-51 dated June 3, 2024 concerning an amendment to the Municipal Accommodation Tax:

    1. That Section 2 of By-law 93-2020 be amended to increase the Municipal Accommodation Tax rate from four (4) to five (5) per cent of the Purchase Price of Accommodation provided for a continuous period of 30 days or less; and,
    2. That Section 9 of By-law 93-2020 be amended such that a Provider identified as a bed and breakfast or short-term rental shall remit the amount of the M.A.T. collected for the previous three months and submit the quarterly statements on or before the last day every calendar quarter end; and, in the form required by the City Treasurer detailing the number of the Accommodation sold, the purchase price of each Accommodation, the M.A.T. amount collected and any other information as required by the City for the purposes of administrating and enforcing the By-law; and,
    3. That By-law 93-2020 be amended as outlined in Attachment 1 to Item CF-24-51 and in the final form and content satisfactory to the City Solicitor and the Commissioner, Corporate and Finance Services Department/City Treasurer; and,

    That the 2023 Annual Report provided to the City from the Greater Oshawa Chamber of Commerce related to Tourism be received for information