That the Community and Operations Services Committee recommend to City Council:
Whereas L.E.A.F. is a non-profit organization dedicated to educating the public about trees through the City’s Backyard Tree Planting program, as outlined in Report CS-20-21 dated March 9, 2020, which involves planting native species in backyards; and,
Whereas in addition to the Backyard Tree Planting program, L.E.A.F. also promotes urban forest stewardship by engaging citizens in public space planting and educational activities; and,
Whereas L.E.A.F. has hosted several community tree planting and stewardship events since 2021 including volunteer plantings at Central Park, Russett Park and contributed to Oshawa’s Centennial programing which included an in-person tree tour delivered in the Oshawa Valley Botanical Gardens and community planting events at Gold Point Wildlife Reserve; and,
Whereas the City has entered into several short-term stewardship agreements with L.E.A.F. on an event-by-event basis to oversee the planning, communication, volunteer management and education component of the City’s annual community tree planting program on behalf of the City; and,
Whereas leveraging L.E.A.F.'s volunteers, expertise and fundraising capabilities have significantly benefited the community by:
- Organizing, promoting, and hosting seven planting events in various City parks, fostering community engagement;
- Planting and initially maintaining 2,266 native trees, shrubs, and perennials, enhancing local green spaces;
- Engaging 427 residents in community planting and stewardship events; and,
Whereas in addition to the community planting and stewardship activities, L.E.A.F. also utilizes volunteers to monitor each community planting site before an event, immediately after an event, two (2) years after the event and five (5) years after an event to assess survival rates and improve tree health through mulching activities; and,
Whereas the partnership with L.E.A.F. has significantly contributed to increasing the City's tree canopy and ensuring a healthy urban forest, which provides numerous environmental benefits such as improved air quality, reduced urban heat island effect, and enhanced biodiversity while also fostering civic engagement; and,
Whereas the annual tree planting operations of the City’s Parks, Trails and Forestry division are enhanced by L.E.A.F.’s expertise in community engagement, stewardship and event management; and,
Whereas a multi-year stewardship agreement with L.E.A.F. would allow the City to leverage additional sponsorship opportunities to enhance L.E.A.F.’s services, creating additional opportunities for stewardship initiatives and activities in Oshawa; and,
Whereas demonstrating such partnerships is beneficial when applying for grants; and,
Whereas this partnership supports the Oshawa Strategic Plan Priority Area “Care: Safe & Sustainable Environment” with the goal to manage impacts on natural assets such as wetlands and waterways and enhance tree canopy;
Therefore, be it resolved that based on Item CO-25-04, a five (5) year partnership agreement with L.E.A.F. be approved to oversee the planning, communication, volunteer management and education component of the City’s annual community tree planting program, to be executed by the Commissioner, Community and Operations Services and in a form and content satisfactory to the Commissioner, Community and Operations Services and the City Solicitor.