That the Economic and Development Services Committee recommend to City Council:
Whereas in February 2024, City Council considered ED-24-24 being a Notice of Motion concerning a 401 Interchange at Townline Road; and,
Whereas Council directed staff investigate the feasibility of adding a Highway 401 interchange at Townline Road South; and,
Whereas a new Highway Interchange on Highway 401 is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Transportation; and,
Whereas the City sent a letter to the Minister of Transportation, Honorable Prabmeet Sarkaria, to consider adding an interchange at Townline Road South along Highway 401; and,
Whereas the Ministry of Transportation (M.T.O.) previously investigated the possibility of Highway 401 Interchange at Townline Road as part of their Highway 401 from Brock Road to Courtice Road Environmental Assessment (E.A.) Study (2016), and,
Whereas M.T.O. advised in their response letter dated November 26, 2024 (see Attachment 1) that the 2016 E.A. study demonstrated that future capacity and operational requirements of the section of Highway 401 between Harmony Road and Courtice Road can be sufficiently addressed with the proposed other improvements to Highway 401 and the adjacent interchanges; and,
Whereas the 2016 E.A. Study also included a review of the general technical feasibility of a potential interchange at Townline Road and identified that there are potentially significant profile and grading issues associated with the location given the proximity of the adjacent rail corridors and municipal road connections, thus was not recommended at that time; and,
Whereas notwithstanding the technical and operational challenges with a potential interchange at Towline Road, M.T.O. indicated that an interchange is not precluded, provided a Study is undertaken, at no cost to M.T.O., that includes mitigation measures acceptable to M.T.O. that would address any impacts to the Highway 401 mainline and existing local interchanges and is endorsed by M.T.O. as part of the study process;
Therefore be it resolved that Item ED-25-22 be received for information.