That the Economic and Development Services Committee recommend to City Council:
Whereas, the existing building located at 149 Harmony Road South and known as the former Harmony Public School (the “Subject Site”) is a “listed, non-designated” property on the City’s Register of Properties of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest (the “Register”) under Section 27 of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter O.18 (the “Ontario Heritage Act”); and,
Whereas, on April 3, 2023, City Council considered Report ED-23-55 dated March 1, 2023 and adopted the following as part of a multi-part recommendation:
"2. Prepare a supplemental Heritage Research Report for 149 Harmony Road South, including a Statement of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest, a detailed listing of heritage attributes;
- Provide the Owner of 149 Harmony Road South with the supplemental Heritage Research Report, and request an updated position on heritage designation of the property; and,
- Report back to the Economic and Development Services Committee in Q4 2023 with a recommendation concerning designation of the property, including the supplemental Heritage Research Report and the updated stance from the Owner;” and,
Whereas, staff subsequently procured a supplemental Heritage Research Report (the “Research Report”) dated September 19, 2023 prepared by Archaeological Research Associates Ltd. (“A.R.A. Ltd.”) for the Subject Site; and,
Whereas, on September 20, 2023, Colony Real Estate Development Limited (the “Owner”) was sent a copy of the Research Report and was asked to provide a stance on designation; and,
Whereas, on September 28, 2023, Heritage Oshawa considered Item HTG-23-57 dated September 21, 2023 concerning the Research Report and made a motion recommending that the Subject Site be designated under Section 29, Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act; and,
Whereas, through correspondence dated September 29, 2023 received from
D.G. Biddle and Associates Ltd. on behalf of the Owner, it was made clear that the Owner did not support the designation; and,
Whereas, on October 30, 2023, City Council considered Report ED-23-196 dated October 11, 2023 and adopted the following as part of a multi-part recommendation:
“4. That, pursuant to Report ED-23-196 dated October 11, 2023, Economic and Development Services staff be authorized to undertake the process established in the Ontario Heritage Act to designate the property known as the former Harmony Public School, located at 149 Harmony Road South, as a property of cultural heritage value or interest under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act by undertaking actions such as the following:
- Preparing a Notice of Intention to Designate the property known as the former Harmony Public School, located at 149 Harmony Road South, under the Ontario Heritage Act which will generally include the Designation Statement and Description as described in the Heritage Research Report affixed to Attachment 8 of said Report;
- Circulating the Notice in accordance with the requirements of the Ontario Heritage Act;
- Forwarding the Notice to the Ontario Heritage Trust and the owner in accordance with the Ontario Heritage Act; and,
- Preparing the necessary by-law which will generally include the Designation Statement and Description for subsequent consideration by Council.”; and,
Whereas, on November 6, 2023, City staff issued Notice of Intention to Designate the Subject Site in accordance with the requirements of the Ontario Heritage Act; and,
Whereas, on November 30, 2023, the City received one (1) Notice of Objection to the proposed designation of the Subject Site from Overland LLP, on behalf of the Owner; and,
Whereas, on January 29, 2024, City Council considered the above noted Notice of Objection (Correspondence ED-24-05) and referred the matter to staff for a report; and,
Whereas, on February 26, 2024, City Council considered Report ED-24-16 dated January 31, 2024 and adopted the following recommendation:
“That, pursuant to Report ED-24-16 dated January 31, 2024, City staff be directed to proceed with the designation of the property known as the former Harmony Public School, located at 149 Harmony Road South, as a property of cultural heritage value or interest under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act and that the appropriate by-law, which will include a Designation Statement and Description for the subject property, be passed in a form and content acceptable to the City Solicitor and the Commissioner of Economic and Development Services.”; and,
Whereas, on February 26, 2024, after considering Report ED-24-16 dated January 31, 2024, City Council passed By-law 27-2024, being a by-law to designate the Subject Site as being of cultural heritage value or interest pursuant to Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act; and,
Whereas, on February 28, 2024, City staff issued Notice of the Passing of a By-law to designate the Subject Site in accordance with the requirements of the Ontario Heritage Act and the City’s Public Notice Policy; and,
Whereas, on April 1, 2024, the City received one (1) appeal to the Notice of the Passing of a By-law to designate the Subject Site from Overland LLP, on behalf of the Owner, within the 30-day legislated appeal period under Section 29(11) of the Ontario Heritage Act, which period expired on April 2, 2024 (see Attachment 1); and,
Whereas, Council policy requires that the Economic and Development Services Department prepare a report to the Economic and Development Services Committee when an appeal is lodged against a Council decision;
Therefore be it resolved:
- That, pursuant to Item ED-24-56 dated May 6, 2024, the Ontario Land Tribunal be advised that Oshawa City Council maintains their position that the former Harmony Public School at 149 Harmony Road South be designated under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act.
- That, pursuant to Item ED-24-56 dated May 6, 2024, the City of Oshawa seek party status at the Ontario Land Tribunal.
- That, pursuant to Item ED-24-56 dated May 6, 2024, City staff, with the assistance of a heritage consultant, be authorized to attend the Ontario Land Tribunal hearing in support of Council’s decision and for these costs to be accommodated through the Corporate Litigation Account.
- That, pursuant to Item ED-24-56 dated May 6, 2024, upon the conclusion of the Ontario Land Tribunal hearing, City staff report back to the Economic and Development Services Committee with the Ontario Land Tribunal’s decision with respect to the designation of the former Harmony Public School at 149 Harmony Road South.